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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Development of Decentralized Project Funding Application Using Polygon Blockchain

verfasst von : R. Nithin Rao, M. S. Supriya, R. Rohit Kumar, Mohammed Kaif, T. B. Samarth, M. Naveen Kumar

Erschienen in: Innovative Computing and Communications

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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The advent of blockchain technology has opened up new possibilities for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, revolutionizing traditional methods of project funding. This research paper explores the development of a decentralized project funding application utilizing the Polygon blockchain, aiming to address the challenges and limitations of existing project funding models. Incorporating exclusive Polygon features, the application is a secured, open, and effective way of project financing that utilizes this low-cost blockchain solution which has high performance. This application allows project creators to engage with sponsors directly without using middlemen by incorporating smart contracts and decentralized governance mechanisms hence it seeks to create trust in the ecosystem. This study mainly analyses the technical aspects of constructing an app like this which include programming language choices, smart contract development and integration within the Polygon network. Furthermore, through research this paper also looks at what would be gained if organizations involved in project funding made use of decentralized methods such as ease of access, less transaction costs and better investment allocation. The findings from this research contribute toward the growing body of literature on blockchain technology applications and provide valuable insights for future research and implementation on decentralized project financing solutions.

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Development of Decentralized Project Funding Application Using Polygon Blockchain
verfasst von
R. Nithin Rao
M. S. Supriya
R. Rohit Kumar
Mohammed Kaif
T. B. Samarth
M. Naveen Kumar
Springer Nature Singapore