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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

11. Development Trends of Customer-Dominant Logic

verfasst von : Manfred Bruhn, Maxim Saleschus, Karsten Hadwich

Erschienen in: Customer-Dominant Logic

Verlag: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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Due to its recent history, the customer-dominant logic still has to establish itself further in practice. At present, a very scientific and conceptual orientation of the customer-dominant logic dominates. For a consistent initiation of customer-dominant management, numerous challenges will have to be overcome in the future, resulting from conceptual, analysis and control-related, strategy-related, and implementation-related problem areas (e.g., discrepancy between the customer logic perceived by the provider and the provider’s orientation towards the customer logic). In connection with science, there are also methodological and empirical problem layers for the customer-dominant logic, from which challenges arise (e.g., provision of methods for analyzing the customer, his logic, and his ecosystem). The challenges are addressed in this chapter.

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Development Trends of Customer-Dominant Logic
verfasst von
Manfred Bruhn
Maxim Saleschus
Karsten Hadwich