2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Digital Diary for Persons with Psychological Disorders Using Interaction Design
verfasst von : H. Sørheim, A. Babic
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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The main goal is to facilitate information technology to support patients by providing them a digital tool for daily logging of psychiatric symptoms and the integration of a crisis plan. This is presented in a project which places focus on a design of a mobile diary application. Interaction design and evaluation methodologies will be used throughout this project to design and test the concept and implemented application. The focus will be on the active user role in all phases. The first design has been done in close sessions with users one of whom had a long experience with the acute and sever disease episodes (schizophrenia). The initial evaluation has shown that a high degree of security could be expected from using this application. Additional value could be seen in therapy when the self-entered data becomes a part of the medical assessement. The evaluation has also indicated that the current design was easy to understand and interperate.