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2021 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

13. Digitalization Toward Innovative Workplaces: Service Engineering Research in Japan

verfasst von : Kentaro Watanabe, Takeshi Takenaka, Takashi Okuma

Erschienen in: The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Innovation

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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The recent evolution of digital technologies is changing service industries. Although digitalization has been expected to create more productive workplaces in service sectors, it is necessary to investigate how digital technologies could be integrated with work practices and innovative activities at workplaces. Studies on this issue are still scarce, especially from the aspect of technology development and integration. In this chapter, we introduce the service engineering research project in Japan. The feature of this project held from 2009 to 2012 was the utilization of digital technologies and collected data in an employee-driven manner at workplaces. We introduce two illustrative case studies and six principles for successful development and implementation of digital technologies toward innovative workplaces.

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Digitalization Toward Innovative Workplaces: Service Engineering Research in Japan
verfasst von
Kentaro Watanabe
Takeshi Takenaka
Takashi Okuma
Springer International Publishing

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