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DISCIE–Discriminative Closed Information Extraction

verfasst von : Cedric Möller, Ricardo Usbeck

Erschienen in: The Semantic Web – ISWC 2024

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This paper introduces a novel method for closed information extraction. The method employs a discriminative approach that incorporates type and entity-specific information to improve relation extraction accuracy, particularly benefiting long-tail relations. Notably, this method demonstrates superior performance compared to state-of-the-art end-to-end generative models. This is especially evident for the problem of large-scale closed information extraction where we are confronted with millions of entities and hundreds of relations. Furthermore, we emphasize the efficiency aspect by leveraging smaller models. In particular, the integration of type-information proves instrumental in achieving performance levels on par with or surpassing those of a larger generative model. This advancement holds promise for more accurate and efficient information extraction techniques.

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Using QIDs and PIDs from www.​wikidata.​org. QIDs are the identifiers of entities and PIDs are the identifiers of relations.
Relations rarely occurring.
Usually, mention recognition is solved by applying BIO sequence tagging. We trained and evaluated such a method but achieved a lower performance in comparison to the token-pair-based approach described above.
This could be replaced with any other KG containing descriptions.
This was also observable in our use case.
930 types are used in total. They were filtered by exploring how useful they are for disambiguating between different entities.
When evaluating on GeoNRE or WikipediaNRE, we limited the set of available predictable relations and entities to the same set as used in the work by Josifoski et al. [12]. Therefore, we set prediction scores for out-of-scope relations to 0.0.
We did not compare to SCICERO [8] as we were not able to adapt their code to our datasets.
Hence putting more emphasis on recall.
They occur only rarely in the training data.
GenIE takes a long time to evaluate on the other datasets on a single GPU. Therefore we opted for only running the efficiency tests on the smallest dataset. While the average speed differs between the datasets, DISCIE was considerably faster for all of them.
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DISCIE–Discriminative Closed Information Extraction
verfasst von
Cedric Möller
Ricardo Usbeck