Moving towards sustainable transportation is essential in mitigating environmental effects and achieving worldwide sustainability targets. Explore the impact of green mobility and sustainable transportation. This study investigates how the barriers (institutional, infrastructure, financial, and social) and drivers (Perceived benefits, technology benefits, environmental concerns, and government policies) impact green mobility among stakeholders in Jharkhand, India, highlighting a significant gap in understanding how these factors affect adoption in developing urban areas. Using a sample size of 334 participants, selected through convenience sampling, data was collected via an online questionnaire distributed through Google Forms. The study utilizes Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to examine the data and pinpoint important factors influencing the acceptance of sustainable transportation. The study’s findings show that several factors influence the adoption of green mobility (GMA). Key factors include Infrastructure Barriers (IF) (p = 0.015), Institutional Barriers (IB) (p = 0.000), Perceived Benefits (PB) (p = 0.000), Environmental Concerns (EC) (p = 0.023), and Government Concerns (GC) (0.029). Furthermore, green mobility adoption has a significant impact on sustainable transportation (ST) (p = 0.000). However, Financial Barriers (FB) (p = 0.424), Social Barriers (SB) (p = 0.202), and Technological Benefits (TB) (p = 0.077) had no significant effect on the adoption process. The results show that barriers like institutional and infrastructure impact the adoption of green mobility. Also, the drivers like Perceived benefits environmental concerns, and government policies impact the adoption of green mobility. By understanding these dynamics, the research provides practical insights for policymakers, manufacturers, and stakeholders to encourage the broad use of green mobility solutions, thus aiding in creating a more sustainable urban environment. Compared to previous studies, our work highlights the importance of infrastructure and institutional challenges while offering different perspectives on financial and social barriers.
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