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2024 | Buch

Ecological Footprint of the Modern Economy and the Ways to Reduce It

The Role of Leading Technologies and Responsible Innovations

herausgegeben von: Bruno S. Sergi, Elena G. Popkova, Anna A. Ostrovskaya, Alexander A. Chursin, Yulia V. Ragulina

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

Buchreihe : Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation


Über dieses Buch

This book is devoted to the systems rethinking of the role of the leading digital technologies and circular innovations to reduce the environmental footprint of the modern economy. The target audience of this book consists of scientists who explore environmental economics, energy economics, and sustainable development. In this book, they will find a consistent take on the impact of the economy on the environment from the perspective of a new scientific concept—the environmental footprint of the economy, described through the lens of the UN SDGs. This book is also useful for public agencies of energy and environmental economics and environmentally responsible enterprises. In this book, they will find applied recommendations on improving the efficiency of the use of high technologies and responsible innovations to reduce the environmental footprint of the modern economy.

The book provides numerous real-world examples, case studies, and recommendations on unlocking the environmental potential of high technologies (Big Data, Ubiquitous Computing (UC), Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT)) and responsible innovations (ESG investments, environmental taxation, green jobs), which allow reaching net-zero emission and building a carbon-neutral circular economy. The interest in this book is also attributable to the fact that it takes into account the specifics of developed and less-developed countries. The book puts more focus on the real-life and case experience of Central Asia and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).



Ecological Footprint of Today’s Economy; Green Innovations and ESG Practices to Reduce It

Research of International Standards of Green Economy

Responsible attitude of a person to the resources of the Earth aims to find a reasonable compromise between the growth of well-being and the preservation of natural resources. Standards of the green economy help achieving green growth. Study examine efficiency of measures taken and challenges to developing the green economy. The research has shown that many agreements between different countries contribute to the popularization of the green economy worldwide. However, some countries are reluctant to change their economy to fit the green standards. United efforts of countries and international organizations should make the transition to a green economy for most economies a painless and profitable experience. Paper concludes that economic development is accompanied by a continuous increase in production and consumption. The potential of the energy sector, primarily renewable electricity, as well as energy conservation and energy efficiency, is huge. International institutions can contribute to developing a green economy by following the principles of unity and consistency.

Svetlana E. Sobenina, Sergey S. Murtuzaliev, Svetlana Yu. Murtuzalieva
Investment Cooperation Between the EU and the EAEU Countries in Building a “Green Economy” (Case of the EBRD’s Activities in Armenia)

The research focuses on the activities of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) on the territory of Armenia as one of the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union Integration Association (EAEU). The research aims to identify trends and features in the field of financing green economy projects and their impact on the country’s energy potential and sustainable development. The research is based on the analysis of the EBRD database, a comparison of expert opinions, and current data on the implementation of funded projects. In particular, it is revealed that many projects are implemented with the involvement of funds from third international financial organizations, integrated into broader national development programs of relevant industries and sectors, etc. There is sufficient evidence that in recent years, cooperation between the EBRD and Armenia has increasingly focused on supporting projects aimed at maintaining sustainable development, including such areas as urban and industrial infrastructure, energy conservation, renewable energy, etc. It is revealed that the EBRD’s financing contributes to the accelerated modernization of energy companies’ capacities, creating incentives for the introduction of renewable energy sources, improving the efficiency of resource use, decarbonization, and maintaining the financial stability of national companies.

Ludmila L. Razumnova, Natalia P. Savina
Data Mining Efficiency in the ESG Indexes Verbalization Analysis (on the Example of the MSCI Site)

The authors consider the efficiency of the data mining method for analyzing the verbalization specifics of the ESG indexes on the example of business documentation and correspondence of MSCI Inc. as one of the best-known global suppliers of ESG and climate products. The relevance of the research is due to its interdisciplinarity and testing of new methods for large text corpora analysis. Text mining implies methods for obtaining new information from the flow of texts or large text data and involves compilation, organization, and analysis of large collections of documents to extract the necessary information and detect previously unknown links between texts. A three-step automatic selection to determine the most widespread lexical patterns when analyzing the verbalization of the ESG indexes demonstrates that these steps, namely text segmentation, n-gram detection, and category labeling, are related to each other. The scientific novelty of this research is determined by the flexibility of the proposed analysis model because it can be used as an open-source tool, i.e., the approach presented herein can be extended to many other types of texts and languages.

Oxana V. Goncharova, Svetlana A. Khaleeva, Natalia A. Ladonina, Igor D. Eremeev, Varvara V. Fioktistova
Marketing Technologies for Transforming the Management of ESG-Oriented Organization in the Digital Economy

The value system of society can be characterized as largely dependent on the management of the marketing system of organizations when the preferences are often the result of the marketers’ efforts. This situation can be used for socially useful purposes, bringing to society the values of sustainable development in the form of ESG principles with the help of marketing technologies. The research presents a systematization of approaches to the integration of ESG principles into the value system of society through marketing tools to transform the organizations’ management. The research aims to develop the principles of managing the organization’s marketing system aimed at integrating ESG goals into society’s value system. The main methodology of the research is the innovation-cyclical paradigm of sustainable development, the basis for the implementation of which is supposed to be based on the organization’s activity aimed at realizing its economic interests and maintaining balance with social interests. The research result determines the list of elements of scientific novelty and its practical significance. The research result is the model developed by the authors combining the tasks of marketing management in the transformation of the society’s value system, approaches to integrating ESG principles into its activities, and digital tools. The developed model covers the identified gaps in the management of the organization’s marketing system and its impact on the values of society. Moreover, it forms a practical basis for integrating ESG principles in the activities in the digital economy.

Nikita V. Matveev, Elena I. Lazareva, Aram A. Gevorgyan
Green Economy as a Factor in the Transformation of Environmentally Oriented Management

Over the past few decades, the rapid development of the economy has led to an unprecedented increase in natural resources and energy consumption, as well as the amount of waste polluting the biosphere, has led to a sharp exacerbation of environmental problems that negatively affect the quality of life of the population and limit the long-term competitiveness of economic entities. Under these conditions, the development of a green economy becomes an inevitable trend. With all sectors of the economy and society affected by new technologies, the green economy is highly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. The research aims to clarify the essence of the green economy and develop principles of environmentally oriented management transformation, contributing to green growth. The basic methodology of the research is the innovation-cyclical paradigm of sustainable development, the implementation of which is supposed to be based on management principles aimed at balancing economic, social, and environmental interests. The result of the research, which determines the list of elements of scientific novelty and its practical importance, is a step-by-step scheme based on the analysis of several national economies, which combines the tasks of management in the field of environmentally oriented transformation. The developed scheme covers the identified gaps in the study of the environmentally oriented transformation of management and forms a ready-made practical framework for the integration of ESG principles, which increases its relevance and practical value.

Elena I. Lazareva, Lei Liu
The Prospects for Improving Green Innovation Ability of National Economic and Technological Park in the Yellow River Basin of China

The sustainable innovation capability of the National Economic and Technological Park in the Yellow River basin is crucial to the ecological environment protection and high-quality regional development of the Yellow River Basin. The research aims to solve the problem of uneven, inadequate, and insignificant growth of green innovation capacity in national high-technological zones in the Yellow River Basin. The authors used the Boston matrix and RAM model for the research on the efficiency of green innovation. The authors proposed innovative resource allocation of the national high-technological zones of the Yellow River basin, the creation of the innovation collaborative development mechanism of the whole basin, and differentiated ways to increase the potential of green innovation capacity according to the high-technological zones at different development stages in the middle, east, and west regions of the basin.

Wenjun Li, Evgeniya Roshchina, Ziqiang Zhao, Yanyan Zhang
Green Agenda in Labor Legislation

The main production task in the twenty-first century, proclaimed by the UN, is to create a green economy and, consequently, green jobs. This will make it possible to achieve increased energy efficiency and reduce the harmful impact on the environment. The company’s main goals include ensuring decent and safe working conditions by switching to harmless and green production, achieving gender and social equality in the workplace, and ensuring the safety of workers. The authors of the research conduct a study and a comparative regulatory framework legal analysis of regulating relations between employer, the state, and employees, for compliance with the possibility of introducing the best available technologies into the production processes of economic entities. Additionally, authors explore possibility of changing some national regulations to improve regulation effectiveness in terms of creating and developing green jobs.

Olga I. Ostrovskaya, Olga V. Balandina, Roman V. Komisaruk, Alina B. Veshkurova
ESG Principles in the Practice of Building an Economic Security Strategy in the Region

The research aims to determine the possibility of applying ESG principles in the process of forming a development strategy for contemporary Russian municipalities and regions from the standpoint of the ecosystem approach. The procedures for considering the main issues of applying the ESG principles include analyzing the content of the development strategies of contemporary Russian municipalities in one of the typical regions of the Central Federal District—the municipalities of the Vladimir Region. Along with the analysis, the authors applied the methods of graphical modeling and selection of the Pareto area in the analysis results. The elements of economic security contained in the development strategies of municipalities are determined using the method of content analysis. The provisions and principles of the ecosystem approach were used when adapting the ESG principles in relation to aspects of the economic security strategy of municipalities. The research results prove the feasibility of using ESG principles as tools that ensure the sustainable development of contemporary Russian regions and municipalities based on an ecosystem approach in the process of forming a strategy for the development of socio-economic systems, which makes it possible to fill the strategy with projects and programs in terms of ensuring the region’s economic security. The results’ novelty lies in constructing a configurator, which is based on a combination of such categories as ESG principles, sustainable development, ecosystem approach, strategic management, and economic security. In particular, the classic strategic analysis of external and internal environmental factors is supplemented with new directions focused on environmental aspects and analysis of the state of society. A new aspect of ensuring economic security in the municipality is shown in terms of building a development strategy based on the formation of an ecosystem in which the development goals of business, government, and the municipality’s population are agreed upon.

Yuri N. Lapygin, Kirill S. Karaman, Ruslan K. Talov, Elena V. Romanovskaya, Natalia S. Andryashina
Potential for Implementing ESG Principles in Cement Production

The research provides information about the globalization of the implementation of ESG principles to achieve sustainable development goals, including combating global warming. In Russia, a general legislative base has been created for the state management of the processes of decarbonization of manufactured products. The authors describe the achieved level of accounting for greenhouse gases (GHG) and the mechanism for motivating enterprises to reduce their emissions. The data characterizing the Russian cement industry as a major GHG emitter are presented. It is shown that the specific consumption of fuel equivalent for the production of one ton of cement clinker lies within a wide range for different plants, which indicates a significant potential for increasing the energy efficiency of production and, accordingly, reducing GHG emissions. The authors consider the main directions for improving the energy efficiency of cement production and reducing its carbon intensity and cost. Moreover, the authors provide indicative quantitative estimates of the effectiveness of the measures proposed for implementation.

Sergei D. Tsymbalov, Victor P. Kuznetsov, Anna S. Moseva, Elena V. Romanovskaya, Natalia S. Andryashina
Corporate Governance in the ESG Context: A New Understanding of Sustainability

The authors consider the issue of corporate governance of industrial parks in the context of ESG. The authors point out that industrial parks include ESG aspects in their activities and manage the impact on the environmental and social components. Little attention is paid to management aspects that are crucial for parks with an ESG agenda and the effectiveness of environmental and social projects. The research aims to form a new understanding of sustainable corporate governance and determine the importance of the concept for the effective management of industrial sites. During the research, the authors identified the areas of mutual development of digital and ESG transformation: the formation of digital solutions for the environmental aspect of ESG activities, the creation of a management system and developing expertise, the development of ESG practices within companies, the increase in digital solutions for ESG by industrial parks, the methodology for evaluating the effects of implementing digital solutions for ESG. The research considers that sectoral industrial parks can become the basis for corporate governance. The ESG includes measures to assess environmental, social, and governance performance, which determines the amount of investment. Industrial parks are undergoing a structural transformation; sustainable development issues are becoming strategic. Sustainable development that meets the needs of the present enables future generations to meet the needs. In the ESG context, corporate site management addresses the roles and responsibilities of residents in today’s environmental, social, and economic challenges, sets comprehensive goals, and applies new principles for industrial site management. The goal is to increase profits and create value for stakeholders, including them in decision-making processes.

Svetlana N. Kuznetsova, Victor P. Kuznetsov, Zhanna V. Smirnova, Natalia S. Andryashina, Elena V. Romanovskaya
Innovative Development of Modern Organizations, New Economy and ESG Transformation

Purpose: Processes, such as increased competition, acceleration of the processes of change and social time compression lead to a reduction of invariants in management activities. The tools of classical management are becoming increasingly irrelevant. Factors that were insignificant earlier come to the fore. This article is devoted to the analysis and theoretical substantiation of the actual problems of organization management and personnel management in the conditions of the latest trends in the economy and society. Design/Methodology/Approach: General scientific methods of research and generalization of approaches to organization management and personnel management are applied. The discourse is based on the analysis of scientific publications in the field of goals and actions of social management and sustainable development in the context of the ESG paradigm. The research concept and its implementation are based on the theory of human capital, the theory of creativity and creative class and the concept of innovation management. Findings: The conditions of innovative development of a modern organization are determined, the value orientations of employees and companies, taking into account the trends of the new economy and ESG transformation are analyzed. The tools of personnel management in small innovative firms are proposed. The necessity of searching for new forms of cooperation between science (education), corporations and startups in order to increase their own competitiveness and create a fair business environment is substantiated. Originality/Value: The problems of improving the management efficiency of modern organizations in the new economy and on the basis of a sustainable development strategy can be solved, including through the use of personnel innovations in human resource management, taking into account the value system of Generation Z, new approaches to cooperation between large businesses, independent inventors (startups) and education (science) and self-reproduction of the conditions of innovation by the organization.

Anzhela M. Salogub, Marina V. Chistova, Nina V. Demina, Olga I. Natkho
ESG Transformation of the Regional Space

Over the past decade, in Russia, as well as in the world economy as a whole, an economic model of the “new normality” is being actively formed, the constituent elements of which are decarbonization, the introduction of environmental standards, and digitalization (Industry 4.0). The article is devoted to the problems of “new normality” model regarding the ecological aspects. The author presents a retrospective view on ESG transformation, the necessity of which is substantiated. The paper considers spatial aspect of ESG transformation, in which ESG transformation (global, national, and local) is defined as balance of system-forming elements (economic, social, and environmental subsystems). Taking into account the results of the ESG ranking, the fragmentary nature of the ESG transformation of the regional space of Russia is demonstrated, which is caused by the influence of “second nature” factors and the presence in the region of large companies entering foreign markets and actively implementing the principles of sustainable development. The author suggests tools to accelerate the pace of ESG transformation, overcome the fragmentation of the regional space, and create additional incentives for the integration of the ESG agenda into the economic activities of regions distributed by levels of public authority.

Tatiana V. Koteikina
ESG Agenda in the Educational Process of a University

In today’s world, sustainable development has become an important factor in many areas of business and government. ESG agenda is an effective element of environmental and social risk management. It plays a significant role in the management concept to ensure competitiveness among potential investors. The research is devoted to studying the conditions and processes for integrating the ESG agenda into the educational activities of Russian higher educational institutions as public organizations that adhere to the principles of sustainable development. The specific features of the ESG principles in the educational process of a university are aimed at developing standards within environmental, social, and governance categories. The ecological principle is focused on the percentage of an institution’s attention given to the environment. The social principle demonstrates the company’s attitude toward its employees, customers, and partners. The governance principle affects the quality of the management policy, focused on a favorable atmosphere in the institution and business relations with the staff. The research focuses on certain conditions necessary for the sustainable development of an educational institution and a new look at the importance of all the criteria of the ESG principles. Social, environmental, and governance criteria are essential in the educational process for an educational institution as a sector of educational services.

Irina M. Akopyants, Karina Y. Vartanova, Anna V. Kiseleva, Irine N. Mikhailovskaya, Irina V. Patsora
Carbon Emission Tax or Carbon Emission Market: Which Is Better?

This research outlines the similarities and differences between the carbon tax mechanism and the carbon market mechanism to discuss their advantages and limitations. The carbon market mechanism has apparent advantages, including low cost, flexibility, cross-industry, and cross-territory. In turn, the carbon tax mechanism has the apparent advantage of low management costs. Some major carbon-emitting countries have piloted or implemented the carbon market mechanism. Based on the characteristics of the carbon market and carbon tax, it is more reliable to adopt carbon market policy and carbon tax policy. Specifically, the carbon market should be the main mechanism to stimulate more channels to actively reduce carbon emissions, while the carbon tax policy can be complimentary to “punish” those enterprises that are late in meeting the emission standards and cover the industries that the carbon market does not.

Elena B. Zavyalova, Jiacheng Li
Transformation of ESG Ecosystem and Approaches to Non-financial Reporting Regulation

Today’s complex and turbulent macroeconomic environment necessitates the revision of traditional tactics of a company’s value management in the context of social and environmental business responsibility. The emerging trend toward engaging an increasing number of actors interested in transparent and accountable ESG metrics entails the transition from heterogeneous perspectives toward shaping the sustainability ecosystem. The non-financial reporting agenda is on an upward trend, especially in the EU, demonstrating the evolving sustainable metrics reporting regulation. The research aims to describe the components of the sustainable related ecosystem, assess the effectiveness of sustainable standards as an integral part thereof, and leverage the industry-based approaches of reporting development in the oil and gas industry combating sustainable challenges. The research methodology is based on scientific generalization and statistical and comparative analysis of comprehensive reporting regulation implemented by the EU framework and reporting practices of world oil and gas companies attaining carbon neutrality. The research shows that the ESG ecosystem is becoming more dynamic, mature, and complicated due to the diversification of actors forming the architecture of ESG strategic models. Standards setters play a crucial role in forming the global baseline of non-financial reporting, which enables the assessment of companies’ strategic positioning regarding sustainable issues. The oil and gas industry exemplifies the effective integration of ESG reporting standards and recommendations. The convergence of the efforts of key sustainability actors may benefit the effective global reporting alignment.

Svetlana I. Puchkova, Ekaterina D. Marina
Stimulation as a Factor of the Effectiveness of the Integration of ESG Principles into Economic Practice

The paper analyzes the risks and contradictions arising in the process of integrating ESG principles into economic practice, which reduce the effectiveness of activities aimed at achieving sustainable development goals. The contradictions of economic interests of subjects of economic relations directly and indirectly related to the implementation of the ESG agenda are systematized, which, in particular, include: contradictions between the interests of developed and developing countries; contradictions between current interests and long-term sustainable development goals that arise both for the state and business; contradictions around the ESG agenda regarding the reproductive aspect; as well as the contradictions associated with each of the three ESG factors. The article reveals the mechanism and functional features of stimulation of economic entities directly involved in the implementation of the sustainable development agenda. The role of traditional values and the concept of best available techniques (BAT) in ensuring the sustainability of the ESG rating system is shown. It is recommended to take into account that specific methods of stimulation depend on the nature of contradictions of economic interests. In the context of subjective contradictions, the task of stimulation is to prevent them or eliminate the factors that led to them. In the case of the manifestation of objective contradictions, inevitable by their nature, the stimulation consists in focusing on the harmonization of the economic interests of their participants and finding a compromise in the process of their implementation.

Mikhail Yu. Dneprov, Ekaterina V. Efimova, Sofiya G. Kilinkarova, Irina V. Shevchenko
Development Prospects and Current Problems of the Kyrgyz Republic’s Energy Sector

The energy sector is the basis of the economy of the Kyrgyz Republic. It performs budget-forming and system-forming functions, contributes to the vital activity of all branches of the national economy and the population, and determines the main parameters of the country’s socio-economic development and its economic security. The effectiveness of developing energy issues and energy allows Kyrgyzstan to ensure its reliable security and energy independence. The country’s economic growth and its regions are directly related to the further development of the fuel and energy sector. Applied use of research materials is that the conclusions contained in it can be used in the formation of policy for the strategic development of the country’s fuel and energy complex (FEC). The essence of the strategic task of the FEC is to select new innovative directions that would ensure its sustainable development and serve as the foundation for improving the efficiency of operations and reducing the energy intensity of the gross domestic product. Simultaneously, a leading direction is the fulfillment of the strategic tasks of the energy sector of Kyrgyzstan based on the use of an alternative type of energy and advanced technologies in the process of decarbonization and the introduction of advanced digital technologies in the industry. The country’s FEC is highly important in developing its economy, necessitating a deep study of the problems existing in the industry to determine the prospects for its development, which determines the relevance of the research topic.

Zhandaraly Sadyraliev, Ainagul T. Mamyralieva, Nurbek K. Musakulov

Responsible Innovation in the Digital Economy and Advanced Technology to Reduce the Ecological Footprint of Today’s Economy

Application of Digital Technologies for Ranking Loan Borrowers

The research aims to study the effective management of distressed assets through the introduction of digital twins, which makes it possible to automate the work of bank managers and reduce the risks of repayment of loans to banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Compared with other countries, the banks of Kazakhstan show a high level of indicators of overdue and doubtful debts on loan portfolios. Using digital twins reduces subjectivity in employee work and corruption in bank activities. In today’s conditions, experience and intuition cannot always provide the choice of the best solution. Thus, systems related to automating the decision-making process (the choice of optimal borrowers) that best meets its individual social and economic characteristics are of particular interest. The widespread use of digital technologists is to automate these processes. For banks, it is a tool with which they can make optimal decisions (not to conduct natural experiments). Decision-making in different areas of activity is very similar. Therefore, a universal method of supporting decision-making is needed, corresponding to the natural course of human thinking. The task is solved using the hierarchy analysis method. A program for ranking applicants for loans has been developed, which places the results of numerical calculations in a result file. The results of numerical calculations are displayed in the form of tables.

Almas M. Kalimoldayev, Aigerim T. Mazakova, Akyltay D. Burgegulov, Aigerim A. Sametova, Daryn K. Mukhayev
Digital Definition of Optimal Inventory Management

The research focuses on the mathematical modeling of the digital twin of the practical problem of inventory management. Today’s production requires the coordinated work of all departments. Failure of even one section leads to unplanned losses. To avoid failure, manufacturers try to create stocks of components, accessories, etc., because stockpiling causes less damage than disrupting the rhythmic work of the entire production. Simultaneously, the storage of safety stocks leads to additional costs and increases the price of the final product. The shortage (deficit) of raw materials and inconsistency in joint work with suppliers can lead to a halt in production. Excess stocks and their shortages affect the final price of goods produced. Therefore, it is necessary to use mathematical modeling to optimize normative estimates of reserve volume. The analysis of the works shows that, when studying the problem of inventory management, new sections of mathematical science are not effectively used: in particular, interval mathematics in modeling dynamic processes, decision theory, etc.

Almas M. Kalimoldayev, Aigerim T. Mazakova, Sholpan A. Jomartova, Talgat Zh. Mazakov, Gulzat Z. Ziyatbekova
Application of Text Analysis and Ensemble Algorithms in Forecasting Companies Bankruptcy

The article explores methods of textual analysis applied by companies, particularly the analysis that uses compiled dictionaries and is based on machine learning that uses marked-up texts. The authors describe why companies can apply textual analysis. As one of the main directions, the authors consider bankruptcy forecasting, namely the existing methods and practices of its application by companies using machine learning methods, as well as methods of implementing these methods. The paper investigates such a superstructure for machine learning as ensemble algorithms. The authors describe the types of ensemble algorithms and the advantage of using them by comparing single classifier models and ensembles of different types trained on the same data. Additionally, the authors investigate the usefulness of using a non-financial indicator in a bankruptcy prediction model by comparing the accuracy results of two trained sets of models: one using only financial indicators and one including a calculated economic policy uncertainty (EPU) index obtained through textual analysis using dictionaries. The research results show a strong increase in accuracy from adding a non-financial index to the bankruptcy prediction model and the advantage of complex ensemble models. The research novelty lies in the use of advanced ensemble algorithms combining different machine learning models and in the use of a multi-country EPU index to demonstrate the benefits of advanced machine learning methods and the positive effect of using a form of textual analysis in predictive models.

Pavel A. Drogovoz, Alexandr R. Nevredinov
Achievements and Problems of the Development of the Digital Economy in China

Paper illustrates digital economy’s current condition as well as its positive impact of the in China and discusses possible opportunities for Chinese citizens. Although the total degree of economic digitization is still significantly low compared to that in developed countries, it is already substantial in a number of regions and industries, especially in coastal regions that are heavily dependent on e-commerce. Due to these developments, productivity growth has risen, with varying implications on employment across industries. Therefore, as the Chinese economy ages, digitization continues to transform it through increasing efficiency and future growth. The government is crucial in leveraging the advantages of digitalization while reducing associated concerns, such as potential financial problems, privacy invasion, and labor disruption. The research discovers and evaluates major problems, for instance enterprises' internalization insufficient degree, poor security system, expensive creation of digital systems, the lack of “digital” talents.

Vladimir A. Ermakov, Lu Chen
Managing the Creation of Promising Products Based on the Selection of Intellectual Property Objects in the New Economic Conditions

The research focuses on selecting intellectual property objects to create new promising products. The discussed issue is relevant in the current geopolitical conditions when the Russian economy finds itself under the influence of economic and political sanctions. The sanctions policy implemented by the countries of the European Union, the USA, and others puts Russian industrial enterprises before the challenge of a significant increase in the production of knowledge-intensive products, including machine and machine-building products, microelectronics, medical equipment, and products of daily demand, in a short time. Through state policy, the Government of the Russian Federation takes active measures for import substitution and import independence, contributing to the achievement by Russian high-tech enterprises of the trajectory of advanced development and creation of radically new, highly competitive products based on promising objects of intellectual activity. The authors propose the algorithm for this process. The proposed algorithm is based on the application of graph theory and the construction of a tree of goals for the selection of the object of intellectual property. The essence of the algorithm for making decisions on the creation of promising products is the initial formation of a data bank of objects, their ranking, and the choice of the object of intellectual property, which has the maximum impact on the level of the final competitiveness of the final product.

Sergey V. Nazyuta, Anna A. Ostrovskaya
Value of Transformation: Business-Driven or Technology-Driven?

We are at the cusp of a significant technology-driven transformation of most, if not all, industries. Research and development processes have evolved because of data and technology. R&D work is now moving toward AI and machine learning methods. The operational processes are changing as well. Data can be leveraged to fine-tune and accelerate future processes. Predictability from data has improved results that are almost always accrescent. However, the real economy is still far from digital maturity. We have only truly started to leverage digital transformation in a few processes of the value chain, and with limited investment, product commercialization has not delivered the expected results. The majority of scholarly investigations have concentrated on the technological facets of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0), primarily revolving around advancements in products and processes. Surprisingly scant attention has been given to the realm of business model innovation, despite its potential to yield greater success compared to conventional product or process-centric innovations. In light of this, a pivotal inquiry arises: What indeed constitutes the principal impetus behind the value derived from the profound shift toward digital transformation? What are the advantages or disadvantages of focusing on technology as the end goal as opposed to a tool? This paper intends to review business models fitting into the Industry 4.0 paradigm and the main patterns they identify with. Integration patterns introduce novel elements to business models by incorporating fresh processes and seamlessly melding segments of the supply chain. In contrast, servitization patterns spark innovation by synergizing services and products, departing from the traditional focus solely on products. Meanwhile, the expertization pattern represents a fusion of the product-process-centric business model, encompassing consultative services and multi-faceted platforms.

Nkirote B. Gitonga
The Role of Intra-corporate Control in Ensuring the Technological Sovereignty of the Russian Economy

For many decades, intra-corporate control has served as a guardian of company assets and an analytical tool to identify the ability of assets to bring the expected economic benefits to the owners. The research substantiates the need to strengthen the role of intra-corporate control (ICC) as a comprehensive tool for identifying unrealized financial, property, and technical and technological potential of an economic entity. Until recently, this role of the ICC has not been as active as it should be based on theories of risk-return ratios, cash flows, portfolio investments, optimal capital structure, theories of cyclical development, industrialization, and stratification, and institutional theory. The research proves that control and analytical algorithms, when applied comprehensively, can provide managers of large companies with relevant information, which can serve as the basis for more successfully forming economic and technological development strategies and determining the relevant tactics for the implementation of variant forecasts. The research reveals new tools of intra-corporate control analysis (foresight, collaboration of control functions), the use of which can strengthen the links of elements of control-analytical procedures carried out based on the parity of interests of the state and corporate control-analytical services. Currently, one of the main interests is to ensure the technological sovereignty of companies, the region, and the country.

Anna V. Bodyako, Tatiana M. Rogulenko, Tatiana L. Zaytseva, Svetlana V. Ponomareva, Marina V. Krayushkina
Methodological Recommendations on the Implementation of the Methodology for Managing Digital Transformation of Industrial Company to Ensure Breakthrough Technological Development

Nowadays, many companies face the problem of improving management efficiency. Apparently, it is impossible to solve this problem using traditional tools in today’s environment. Companies implement digital transformation. Nevertheless, not all companies succeed, which leads to their frustration with digital transformation. Hence, the research aims to develop methodological recommendations for implementing the methodology of digital transformation management of an industrial company to ensure the improvement of its management efficiency. During the research, the authors used the method of analysis of scientific works of Russian and foreign scholars, the method of induction and deduction, and the method of analogy and generalizations. The authors formulated recommendations for implementing a methodology for managing the company’s digital transformation at three levels: company, industry, and country. The presented scientific results have scientific novelty and theoretical and practical significance because they contribute to the development of management theory and can be used in practical activities.

Tatiana V. Kokuytseva, Maksim M. Kharlamov, Oksana P. Ovchinnikova
Implementation of a Database on Solar Resources for the Design of PV Solar Technologies

The theme “Energy of the Future,” presented by Kazakhstan at EXPO-2107, is one of the most relevant and globally significant for modernity, concerning the whole world—the sustainable use of energy. The issues of developing renewable non-traditional energy sources have largely been considered in scientific and technical programs of different countries. Particularly, such countries as the USA, Japan, Israel, and Germany work on these energy sources at the level of long-term national programs. As for the possibility of using solar energy in Kazakhstan, it is a country in Central Asia with great potential for solar energy. Solar energy resources in the country remain stable and suitable due to favorable climatic conditions. The research develops a method of logical planning of the database model of solar systems of Southern Kazakhstan based on a computer program. A logical model based on the system model obtained with the operation of the relational data model consists of relational model relationships. Table “Columns” represents the information necessary. A database computer program will make it possible to develop a solar power plant, which is planned to be built in the future.

Maksat N. Kalimoldayev, Assel A. Abdildayeva, Zhazira U. Shermantayeva
Digital Twin of the Zoological Collection of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The article discusses a study on the creation of an electronic database for the preservation of zoological collections of the Institute of Zoology of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan. Based on MySQL, the authors developed an electronic database with a convenient interface for entering data from the National Zoological Collection of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The electronic database created includes an information and search system. It can more reliably form a virtual scientific animal collection. This electronic database is intended for zoologists and other professionals who need zoological information. Creating a database and databank of national scientific zoological collections that can be used for scientific, educational, and applied purposes; accounting; condition monitoring and long-term preservation of the national single zoological collection; and management of valuable zoological collection materials. The National Zoo Science Collection is the most important source of information for research in various areas of biology. It is the basis for conducting scientific research on animal phylogeny and molecular genetics and is the document that confirms the correctness of the zoological studies conducted. To solve this problem of both theoretical and practical importances, an inventory of specimens showing the diversity of species has taken on special significance.

Maksat N. Kalimoldayev, Roman V. Yaschenko, Aigerim T. Mazakova, Talgat Zh. Mazakov, Gulzat Z. Ziyatbekova
Digital Model of the Influence of Various Environmental Factors on Plant Biomass

The paper focuses on the development of a program for constructing a digital twin of a mathematical model based on the processing of experimental data on toxic soil pollution. The use of digital models makes it possible to reduce the material and time costs for conducting full-scale experiments. Using the self-organization method, the authors obtained mathematical models of biomass depending on environmental factors. Using the method of self-organization, the authors obtained mathematical dependences of biomass dynamics on climatic factors and parameters of natural pollution. The research develops a universal software module based on the method of self-organization using retrospective data represented by time series. The program developed by the authors can be used in biology, agrochemistry, sociology, and other areas. Models built using the method of group consideration of arguments are superior in their predictive properties to regression models. When studying the initial data, mathematical equations are determined that describe the relationship between biomass and significant factors. When applying the method of self-organization, the model type is not predetermined. The type of polynomial nonlinearity is determined by the absolute error criterion.

Aigerim T. Mazakova, Chingiz Nurzhanov, Talgat Zh. Mazakov, Sholpan A. Jomartova, Akyltai D. Burgegulov
Digital Determination of the Thermal Conductivity of a Square Bar by Reduction to a System of Integral Equations

Digital twin method was used, which significantly reduces the cost of materials and time compared to full-scale experiments. The object under study is a three-dimensional body with a square section. The effect of point temperature and surface heat transfer on the rod is also taken into account. Under the assumptions made, the solution of the heat conduction equation described by a partial differential equation is reduced. Numerical algorithms are proposed, and its convergence is proved. As a result, a special program was developed. Table and one-dimensional graphs allow you to analyze the dynamics of temperature changes over time. This approach, using digital models and numerical calculations, greatly facilitates the process of studying the thermophysical properties of an object, providing reliable results for further analysis and interpretation.

Aigerim T. Mazakova, Sholpan A. Jomartova, Talgat Zh. Mazakov, Gulzat Z. Ziyatbekova, Kalamkas B. Begaliyeva
Development of Blockchain Platforms for Tokenization of Real Assets

Blockchain technology opens up a wide area for innovative solutions in different areas that can potentially change entire sectors of the economy. The main advantages of blockchain implementation are the exclusion of intermediaries from many operations, the confidentiality of information, and the high speed of transactions. Nowadays, projects for the tokenization of various types of assets are being implemented around the world. A popular solution for developing enterprise blockchain systems is the Hyperledger Fabric platform, which is an open-source project of the non-profit technology consortium Linux Foundation. The study of existing cases is of undoubted importance for the further development of the practice of applying the blockchain. Thus, this research aims to analyze the capabilities of the Hyperledger Fabric platform and the blockchain projects created on its basis for the industry. The research considers cases of the extractive industry: Norilsk Nickel’s Atomyze platform and Circulor’s project in Rwanda.

Pavel A. Drogovoz, Nataliya A. Kashevarova, Irina S. Starikova
The Main Approaches to Using Digital Twins in Banking

Research relevance is significantly increasing. Sanctions from the collective West are changing the main instruments in the banking sector related to interbank settlements and transactions. The largest Russian banks are under sanctions due to the special military operation. Several largest backbone Russian banks are disconnecting from the international system of electronic interbank financial settlements SWIFT. Banks are tasked with improving and modernizing the main banking instruments for Kazakhstan. This situation should lead to greater use of digital technologies and elimination of technological dependence in conducting basic banking operations. Restrictions also gave motivation for advancement of digital banking in Russia and Kazakhstan. Banking digital twins will soon become extremely necessary and effective. As copies of the real-world, DT may provide informed decision-making based on the real interaction of complex systems. They may present detail-based information instead of just educated assumptions. That is what makes them such a powerful weapon in the arsenal of any business.

Alexander A. Chursin, Vladimir A. Ermakov, Maksat N. Kalimoldayev, Almas M. Kalimoldayev
Development of a Functional Component Model for a Data System Concept to Assess Innovative Investment Projects for Designing Import-Substituting Products in the Context of Digital Transformation

The research focuses on developing a comprehensive data analysis system to assess innovative investment projects for designing new products. As a rule, innovative investment projects involve digital technologies. Therefore, a well-developed decision-support infrastructure should be in place to ensure an efficient design process, which is essential for innovative products, so that all data necessary to implement the project are stored in a single digital environment where a data bank is one of its central elements. The author designs a system concept to assess innovative investment projects for developing import-substituting products, which encompasses a structure for diverse subsystems to communicate within the single data infrastructure. The functional component model is built upon these components integrated into a single system and communicating with the existing systems operated by the company. The author also gives practical recommendations on adapting such a system to assess innovative investment projects for designing import-substituting products for a certain company.

Alexey D. Linkov
Transforming Communication Flows Between Organizations and Their Publics in the Context of Emerging Web 3.0

The research aims to analyze the nature of the changes occurring in public relations due to the emergence of Web 3.0 as a new information technology reality. The research uses systemic and structural–functional approaches, retrospective analysis, and analytical methods. The ubiquity of Web 3.0 technologies and the powerful PR campaign regarding the lack of alternatives to the broad adoption of ESG goals for positive reputation and success of organizations somehow conflict with traditional business goals. The shift of dominance toward the public and the weak controllability of emerging communication channels and schemes that sometimes simply remove the organization from communication on its account require transforming the practices of interaction between organizations and their public. Based on the analysis of changes in marketing, ESG, PR, and Web 3.0 practices, the authors identified significant contradictions for organizations: (1) economic and ideological—between the idea that business is responsible only to its shareholders and the idea that business has a broad responsibility to society or a multitude of stakeholders; (2) economic—between business interests to maximize profits for shareholders and the inevitable additional costs of implementing the ESG agenda; (3) technical and ideological—related to the incompatibility between the “control paradigm” over communication flows and the “democratization of communication” paradigm; (4) technological—between the need for the existing hierarchical centralized communication structure for full control over the organization’s information flows and the decentralized architecture of the growing Web 3.0; and (5) “PR-ideological”—competition between the manipulative model and the model of two-way symmetrical communication.

Irina S. Miller, Irina A. Gereikhanova, Anna S. Konstantinova, Lubov N. Pereyashkina, Anastasia N. Udotova
Trends in the Development of E-commerce in Enterprises

This research discusses the development of e-commerce in commercial enterprises. The authors consider the trends in the development of e-commerce, which can be noted as advanced information technology that affects the economic situation of entrepreneurial activity with a reduction in the cost of business operations. The author substantiates the principles and methods of interaction between enterprises and Internet technologies for selling their goods or services. The relevance of the chosen research topic, characterized by the development of e-commerce, is determined. The research object is the improvement of e-commerce in Russia. As part of the research, the authors analyzed data on the use of e-commerce by the population, according to a study conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation. The authors analyzed the main aspects of the development of e-commerce, which is based on the use of advanced information technologies. The result of Internet products in online trading is analyzed. The practice of using Internet technologies in commercial organizations is substantiated. Based on the research results, the authors drew a reasonable conclusion that e-commerce in all countries is currently at the peak of its development, the Internet is absorbing the world, and e-commerce occupies a stable position as a new form of the market economy.

Zhanna V. Smirnova, Mariia V. Mochalina, Svetlana N. Kuznetsova, Elena P. Kozlova, Ekaterina P. Garina
Effectiveness of Digital Marketing Technologies in Commercial Banks

The paper aims to examine contemporary bank marketing methods in the context of digital transformation and identify directions for further development. The research employed a variety of models, including linear, linear logarithm, logarithmic linear, and logarithm models. The data utilized in this investigation originates from the Global Economy Database, which serves as the primary source of information for this scholarly endeavor. The author used Stata to develop and analyze models using tables, formulas, and graphs. For model analysis, the author used the least squares method (OLS) and ANOVA table. The paper introduces a linear model for applying digital marketing in commercial banks. As per Gauss–Markov’s primary prerequisite, it is imperative for the total count of observations to exceed the number of variables by no less than a factor of six. In this case, we have 97 observations and three variables, thus satisfying this condition. Originality/value: The study employs econometric equations to determine the innovation index of 97 foreign countries in 2020–2021 and the efficiency indicators for commercial banks in the same period, including the ratio of bank expenses to income and the efficiency of digital technologies in banks. Analytical development was carried out based on cross-sectional data. This paper provides valuable insights into the use of digital marketing in commercial banking and identifies opportunities for further development.

Laylo T. Abdukhalilova
Digital Technology in Courts as a Tool for Smart Regulation: Opportunities and Risks

The research aims to identify the opportunities and risks of the digitalization of courts as a means of smart regulation. The research applies the methods of description and interpretation, theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic, and predictive methods. The research identifies the various tools of digitalization of judicial activity and their functions. The authors pay particular attention to the opportunities and risks of applying artificial intelligence in justice. Digitalization is seen as a means of smart regulation, a concept that offers a wide range of tools for public administration. Digitalization has the potential to improve the quality of judicial proceedings. However, it also brings significant risks that must be considered. Thus, online justice increases the accessibility and transparency of judicial proceedings. However, the remote form of interaction is dangerous due to the loss of the emotional and non-verbal components of communication, which makes it difficult to understand in situations where trust and empathy are important. Artificial intelligence automates the process of case review and decision-making, which allows for uniformity in judicial practice. Nevertheless, its application excludes free judicial discretion and reproduces the errors and biases of existing jurisprudence. Alternative ways of resolving disputes online, such as smart contract dispute platforms, can be seen as “surrogate” regulators, reducing the burden on the state court system. Simultaneously, alternative dispute resolution methods have a limited scope of application and are unlikely to be able to compete seriously with state justice even in the most distant future. Only a comprehensive understanding of all benefits and risks associated with various forms of digitalization of legal proceedings will maximize the benefits of this process for the successful development of society.

Marina Yu. Kozlova, Marina L. Davydova
Current Trends in the Development of the Financial and Credit System in the Context of Digitalization

The research discusses issues regarding the current state of the financial and credit system of Kyrgyzstan, as well as digitalization trends in this area, which determines the goals, directions, and principles of further development. Digitalization carries characteristic difficulties due to the different levels of development of the structural elements of the financial and credit system. Practical analysis of the financial and credit system shows the strengths and weaknesses of this system, its structural elements, possible threats, and further promising development, considering digitalization. The research aims to reveal the features of the development of the financial and credit system of Kyrgyzstan and study its further development in the context of digitalization. During the research, the authors applied analysis and statistical data processing. The main results of the research include the finding that the financial and credit system is the basis of the entire economy and a promising development direction, which must continuously introduce innovations, meeting the contemporary requirements of digitalization and the new realities of the global financial and credit system. The research value is that it, for the first time, attempts to generalize the development of the financial and credit system. This work can be used as a methodological and educational guide for further research of national financial and credit system and the development of regulatory documents in the field of the development of financial and credit system.

Ainura K. Askarova, Umut M. Abdyldaeva, Elnura I. Murzalieva, Darygul Sh. Zholboldueva, Gulchekhra B. Abdyrakhmanova

Institutional Framework for Responsible Innovation in Society, Business, and the Country: A Contribution to Reducing the Ecological Footprint of the Economy

Analysis of the Methods of Intellectual Property Management in Innovation Ecosystems

The relevance of the research is due to the great importance of the task of intellectual property management for high-tech companies that participate in innovation ecosystems because the competent choice of methods of intellectual property management is one of the key factors in the effectiveness of innovation and competitive strategy. The research aims to review methods for managing intellectual property in today’s innovation ecosystems. The author applies descriptive and analytical approaches to the literature review to achieve the research goal. The analysis results show that in the context of business transition to innovative sustainable development, the problem of creation, transfer, and implementation of innovative sustainable technologies acquires special importance and is enriched with new issues. The success of the innovation ecosystem depends on R&D, knowledge capital, and production materials, which make the transfer of knowledge and technology of fundamental importance. Simultaneously, innovation ecosystems are becoming increasingly open, which leads to new methods of intellectual property management and their combinations.

Nataliya A. Kashevarova
Overview of Technological Forecasting and Assessment of the Life Cycle Results of the Technological Innovation Market

This research discusses non-expert infometric principles for evaluating quantitative multimodal indicators of technology readiness based on bibliometric and infometric approaches. The concepts and methodology of these principles are analyzed, and the adequacy from the side of availability and reliability is determined. The author offered a combined version of the optimal set of indicators for the multilateral assessment of technology from the side of technological readiness and market readiness. Emphasis is placed on the cumulative temporal characteristic of the innovation process and the relevant rules of time series research. The author describes models of the life cycle of the technological innovation market (technology life cycle (TLC) model, technology acceptance curve model, market expectations model, and hype cycle model). The author presents the model of the high-tech hype cycle, the structure of the phases, and the properties of the stages. The connection between the dynamics of infometric indicators and technological and market maturity is explained. During the research, the author applied publicly available software tools for patent and search semantic textual analysis of the high-tech market profile. The research presents a model for semantic analysis and ensembling the results of patent and search analysis for assessing the state of maturity of the high-tech market. A description of the experiment based on Patentinspiration, Orbit Intelligence, Google Trend, and Yandex Wordstat is presented. The paper describes the shortcomings of infometric analysis based on patents and patent claims, as well as methods to address them based on the international patent classification.

Vladimir A. Shiboldenkov
Digital Transformation of Marketing Activities as a Factor in the Development of International Trade

Digital technologies are transforming international relations, diplomacy, foreign policy, and trade. Considering systems, such as politics, law, social sphere, or economics at any level (the functioning of an individual enterprise or international economic relations), it can be argued that the development of information and communication technologies has a significant impact on these areas. The transition to a digital economy is the most important factor in developing national and global economies. Gradually, there is a transition from the targeted introduction of various digital technologies (artificial intelligence, the Internet of things, etc.) to the integrated construction of an international digital ecosystem. The research discusses the prerequisites, features, and prospects for the development of international trade in the context of the formation of a global digital economy. The active and widespread use of digitalization significantly speeds up export–import transactions, allows new participants to be involved in international relations, and expands the range of resources used in cross-border turnover.

Alexander A. Voronov, Tatyana S. Popova, Irina A. Shumakova, Elena N. Danilevskaya
Developing a Theory of Tax Revenue Mobilization Using Social Media and Documentary Sources

This research develops a theory of tax revenue mobilization for resource-rich nations. An inductive approach is used. Thematic, content, and grounded analysis are conducted in NVivo. Data in the research is collected from Facebook focus group discussions, tweets, and documentary sources. Prices or income from minerals, foreign direct investment, and foreign debt have been found to be key factors in mobilizing tax revenues through their impact on the tax base in resource-rich countries. The research contributes to the theory of tax revenue mobilization for resource-rich nations and, perhaps for the first time, uses social media data in doing so. The theory informs policy and scholarship.

Lubinda Haabazoka, Byrne Kaulu
Methodology for Assessing the Competitiveness of Metal-Cutting Tools

The competitiveness of metal-cutting tools depends on many factors, including the dynamics of market changes, the development of technologies and competencies, and the expansion of the range of raw materials and components, which are thoroughly studied and analyzed. Simultaneously, it is necessary to have reliable information about the level of products’ competitiveness. In this regard, it is necessary to improve the theoretical and methodological foundations for forming a mechanism for evaluating and increasing the competitiveness of metal-cutting tools. The research presents the author’s methodology for assessing competitiveness based on two important indicators of the studied products—the total amount of material removed by the cutter and the cost of processing a cubic centimeter. The methodology is developed considering the market’s specifics and the instrument’s peculiarities. The proposed evaluation algorithm, which includes ten stages, gives and substantiates recommendations for forming a group of experts, creating certain conditions for the experiment, choosing the size of the assessed products and brands of the processed material, defining the composition of indicators, and deriving formulas for the total amount of material removed by the cutter per life cycle and the resulting index of the cutter’s competitiveness. The study of product competitiveness according to the proposed methodology makes it possible to obtain data that contribute to correcting the following indicators: cutting speed, minute feed rate, and tool life. Moreover, it makes it possible to improve pricing policy and promote the company’s strategy.

Vlada V. Kolocheva, Nikita V. Boridko
Modeling the Motivation of Top Management of the Governing Structures of the Regions Using Logistic Regression

The research subject is the top management of the governing structures of the regions. The presented model covers the top management motivations in the administrative structures of the regions, the administrative structures of innovative enterprises, and informal associations of innovative industrial clusters in the country’s regions. Simultaneously, it is assumed that informal associations are integral to the governing structures of regions and innovative enterprises. Therefore, they are not analyzed separately. The key conclusion is that one of the sufficiently high-quality methods for processing a large amount of data is logistic regression. For this reason, logistic regression can be used to model the motivation of the top management of the governing structures of the regions and the management structures of innovative enterprises. Model implementation for top managers of state structures of the Novgorod region should be encouraged only financially at the end of 2019 and 2020.

Sergey N. Yashin, Egor V. Koshelev, Dmitrii A. Sukhanov, Ekaterina P. Garina, Elena P. Kozlova
The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Teaching Foreign Languages

The research considers the issue of using AI in teaching foreign languages. The authors consider AI as augmented (enhanced) intelligence. AI provides the opportunity to receive additional information and draw conclusions necessary for making more informed and rational decisions. With the continuous development of big data and cloud computing, AI plays an important role in education. Traditional foreign language teaching cannot satisfy students’ individual, innovative, and collaborative learning styles. AI-powered mode brings new possibilities to foreign language teaching. The authors describe the use of AI technologies such as chatbots when teaching foreign languages, which allow students to practice speaking in real time, practice their skills, and gain confidence before they have to talk with real people. The authors are convinced that when teaching a foreign language, the greatest pedagogical effect is achieved through the use of certain AI algorithms, which in turn allows students to speed up the study of a particular language. Learners have the opportunity to learn the language by repeating phrase patterns that show relationships between words. AI has had a significant impact on the educational experience of students. Educators have found that AI algorithms promote deep learning helping students until they improve their understanding of the topic they are learning at a particular moment.

Marina L. Gruzdeva, Natalia Kh. Frolova, Zhanna V. Smirnova, Sergey D. Tsymbalov, Alexander P. Garin
Does Understanding the Sustainable Development Concept Affect the Leaders’ Innovative Competencies?

It is traditionally considered that the innovative ability or activity of small and medium-sized enterprises has become an important factor influencing the sustainability of their development in conditions of constant fluctuations. A new formulation of the research goal is to solve the inverse problem and prove the existence of an inverse relationship—the dependence between the innovative ability of the leader or manager of the small and medium-sized business (an important factor in the innovative activity of the company) and his or her comprehension of the sustainable development concept. As the basic methodology of the research, the authors took the innovation-cyclical paradigm of sustainable development and an econometric approach, which makes it possible to quantify the cause-effect relations between the parametric characteristics of the analyzed processes. The research result, which determined the list of elements of scientific novelty and its practical importance, is the econometric (correlation-regression) model developed by the authors using the entropic method of data analysis, the experiments with which make it possible to give a clear answer to the question formulated as the main goal—whether understanding of the sustainable development concept affects the leaders’ innovative competencies. The developed model makes it possible to reveal the existence of the required dependence “innovative ability of the chief—comprehension of the sustainable development concept” and forms a ready practical basis for the integration of sustainability (ESG) principles into organizations of various spheres of economic activity that raises its relevance and practical value.

Yinan Dong, Elena I. Lazareva
HR Ecosystem Development as a Driver of Increasing Management Sustainability

The research substantiates the priority role of HR ecosystem development in improving the sustainability of a contemporary university’s strategic management in the new realities. The research aims to identify key HR risks and substantiate the HR ecosystem development strategy to rank the identified risks. To achieve the research goal, the authors compiled a questionnaire and surveyed employees of two universities—Russian and Chinese. The methodological basis of the research is the innovation-cyclical paradigm of sustainable development, the implementation of which is based on organization management, considering the achievement of economic and social goals. The research result is methodologically substantiated and empirically verified components of HR ecosystem development strategy in the university management system. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the substantiation of the Dematel toolkit and the algorithm of its application for the systemic evaluation of strategic decisions on the HR ecosystem development in the management of an educational organization. The research results have additional value because the tools proposed by the authors identify and rank the key HR risks and justify a strategy for developing an HR ecosystem to minimize the identified risks. The research results can serve as the basis for developing strategic and motivational policy measures aimed at the sustainable development of educational organizations in the digital economy.

Elena I. Lazareva, Julia V. Gavrilova, Nina Szczygiel, Dmitry A. Shevchenko
Problems of Human Resource Management of the Innovation Economy

This article aims to comprehensively examine the intricacies of human resource management in the context of an innovative economy. With the relentless advancement of technology, the requisites for human resource development have witnessed a notable surge, in tandem with the evolving demands of the market and society. The formation of the most important resource requires more and more investments of various kinds. In parallel with this, both contradictions in the use of human resources and the rate of devaluation of human capital are increasing. The article develops the assumption that the ongoing progress in technologies affecting the development of human resources quickly devalues them, which causes many problems in the process of their use. The authors highlight the common features that characterize the context of modern research related to human resources and indicate that they are most often considered as separate sociotechnical systems. Throughout this study, the authors have emphasized the significance of contemplating human resource development and the augmentation of human capital within the framework of transforming social reproduction structures and economic functioning principles. The evolution of productive forces and industrial relations at various stages of the evolution of society is mediated by scientific and technological progress and the needs of society. The authors argue that the pace of modern technology development exacerbates economic, social, environmental and other problems. These include contradictions in labor relations related to the capitalization of human resources, property relations, the readiness of society for a new technological reality, the consequences of technogenic and anthropogenic influence on the environment and humans. The results of this study can be used in forecasting the development of the forecast of the evolution of human resources, the formation of human capital, as well as in the creation of a socio-economic strategy. The main tenets of the article hold substantial relevance in substantiating methodologies and facilitating the practical implementation of approaches aimed at addressing the challenges pertaining to the formation and development of human resources. The authors strongly advocate for a comprehensive consideration of the potential issues, contradictions and other factors described in the article when developing mechanisms for human resource management.

Natalya I. Khosroeva, Larisa G. Mamsurova, Irina Kh. Kuchieva, Aida Sh. Begieva, Zarina Kh. Bekmurzaeva
Digital Platforms of Educational Services: Problems and Development Prospects

This paper examines the issue of using the digital platforms that exist today in educational activities. Research focuses on introducing the information environment in teacher training as a means and method of the learning process. The possibilities of forming new forms of education are considered, including online learning that uses distance learning methods (the key aspect, first of all, is the interaction of the teacher in real time, while the students are in the so-called online audience) and asynchronous online learning (carrying one of the distance learning methods, which involves teaching students without direct contact with the teacher in real time). Authors highlight the main ways and prospects for developing digital learning at the present stage. During research, the authors identified the main educational platforms popular with teachers to prepare electronic learning courses.

Zhanna V. Smirnova, Elena G. Skachkova, Evgeny A. Semakhin, Elena V. Romanovskaya, Natalia S. Andryashina
Characteristics of the Identity of Pregnant Women in the Context of an Approach to Socially Responsible Parenthood

The aim of the study is to study the identity of pregnant women from the perspective of cognitive psychology with optimal and non-optimal types of attitude to pregnancy. The subject of the study is the identity of pregnant women. The result of the study is the formation of the authors’ concept of socially responsible motherhood in pregnant women, the essence of which is as follows. The quality of adherence to group identity explains the observed relationships; pregnant women perceive themselves on the basis of their ideas about motherhood, which is associated with optimal adaptation to a new maternal role, since its formation takes a long time. Understanding the obligations of socially responsible parenthood, taking into account the congruence of the subconscious choice of the group formed during pregnancy, gives importance to their decisions. Perhaps commitment to the group category of identity with the image of the mother can serve as a sufficient basis for the further formation of socially responsible parenthood. The originality of the study is the analysis of the identity of pregnant women on the basis of the combination of E. Erikson’s psychosocial theory of human development and H. Tajfel’s social identity theory, as well as cognitive studies of personality and I. V. Dobryakov’ study of the features of the psychological component of gestational dominance (PCGD). The choice of a woman expecting a child to identify herself with the image of a future mother provides, according to her ideas, a higher status of a group of mothers in contrast to the status of a group of pregnant women.

Irina A. Kolinichenko, Svetlana A. Nikulina
Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Interaction Between Family and School as a High Social Responsibility in Child Development

The article considers one of the EGS principles (S—high social responsibility) and raises the question of how the interaction of family and school affects the development of children. The article analyzes the scientific literature of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of principles of family education, interaction between family and school, as well as factors affecting the effectiveness of such interaction. It is determined that the key component of helping the family to perform its functions is the formation of parental competence. The qualitative formation of parental competence occurs only in the process of cooperation with the school, which, in turn, leads to conscious parenting and thereby affects the harmonious and comprehensive development of children. The authors, on the one hand, considered the existing forms of interaction between school and family, and on the other, presented alternative options. The article reveals the basics of building interaction between family and school, assuming a unified system of upbringing of the younger generation, embedded in the interplay with such social institutions as the family, educational institution, and society. The basics include the formation of conditions for successful personal growth and self-realization, the creation of active cognitive motivation, prevention and maintenance of mental and physical health, and the development of adaptive capabilities that allow flexible response to changes in the modern world.

Elena N. Pristupa, Natalia A. Zaikina, Angela V. Babayan, Anna I. Shcherbina, Olga S. Eremina
Implementation of the Concept of Sustainable Development in the Activities of Transnational Corporations

The purpose of the issue is to identify the features, new forms and mechanisms of participation of transnational corporations in the implementation of sustainable development goals and to identify possible directions for further involvement of transnational business in achieving global sustainable development. The paper defines the concept of sustainable development, explains its key aspects, highlights and characterizes the main directions of usage in the activities of transnational corporations. Using a three-pronged approach, the SDG Compass, the methodology for monitoring progress toward achieving the SDGs, the classification of the SDGs by the criterion of “significance” for business, as well as the method of case studies, the contribution of corporations to achieving the sustainable development goals was measured and tracked. The cases of participation of individual TNCs (transnational companies Unilever, Coca-Cola, SBERBANK of Russia) in the implementation of the SDGs and their experience in reorienting their own business strategies to build sustainable development served as the basis for analysis and allowed the authors of the article to conclude that participation in the concept opens up broad prospects for transnational corporations—ensures the growth of consumer demand, allows to attract a PPP mechanism, highly qualified personnel, receive additional investments, benefits and subsidies from the state, opens up prospects for the implementation of new projects, makes it possible to enter the market with new services and innovative solutions, etc. As a result, companies gain additional competitive advantages, which, in turn, becomes a strong incentive for them to strengthen their activities in this area.

Elena A. Soloveva, Irina B. Andish, Maria A. Dyakonova, Olga V. Yefimova, Denis A. Mirgorod
The Comparative Analysis as a Tool for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Economic Sectors

The research paradigm changed sufficiently at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Particularly, an interdisciplinary approach is being actively introduced in studying various phenomena and processes, making it possible to view the subject from different angles. In the industry analysis process, a considerable set of signs, criteria, and parameters are used to qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate the industry’s effectiveness. That is why it is important to apply such a set of indicators, the sufficiency level of which makes it possible to receive an objective evaluation of the industry’s effectiveness. This makes it possible to conduct the comparative analysis based on the law of sufficient reason, according to which each concept can be considered reliable only if there are sufficient grounds by virtue of which it can be considered true. Applying the comparative analysis to evaluate the economic effectiveness of industries allows us to characterize the object with a sufficiently high degree of accuracy and, as a result, to reduce the level of subjectivity in formulating conclusions. The research presents the algorithm and the results of the performed comparative analysis for evaluating the crop production effectiveness in the Russian Federation. The authors determine the type of relationship between crop yield, gross harvest, and crop acreage. Additionally, the authors conduct an evaluation of the effectiveness of growing crops. Moreover, the authors propose management tools by which the rate of yield growth will have a sustainable positive character.

Tatiana V. Baibakova, Anastasia A. Sozinova, Aleksandr A. Voronov, Irina A. Shumakova, Elena A. Fursova
Impact of Government Support on Oilseeds Production

State regulation is based on implemented regulatory documents that directly or indirectly concern crop production and its resource support. The research aims to identify the impact of state support on the production of crops, particularly oilseeds. The research methodology is to assess the impact of state subsidies on the financial results of agricultural organizations as the main producers of oilseeds. The author compares changes in the budget subsidy and changes in sown areas and gross harvest of oilseeds. The author concludes that the support was more compensatory than stimulating and did not cover inflation. Further improvement of state regulation should be based on the development of an optimal relationship between the strategy and tactics for the development of agriculture in the regions and individual priority sub-sectors. One of the measures to support the Russian seed market could be the introduction of quotas for the import of foreign seeds into the Russian Federation.

Artem V. Lukomets
Digital Aspects of Analytics and the Effectiveness of Standard Communication Channels of Companies

Currently, some communication channels of companies often receive new development and additional efficiency through a change in the concept of their application, digitalization, and automation. An example of such a metamorphosis is a modification of the company’s work with standard communication channels—email. With the spread of other forms of communication, this channel is considered to have lost its “modern sound” and a significant share of its effectiveness. However, whether this is the case and what email can give the company today in interaction with the clients is a question that requires clarification. The proposed research is devoted to the search for approaches to identifying and overcoming the problems of the use of the email tool in the communication activities of contemporary organizations. The object of observation was a company in the Russian cosmetics market that uses electronic mailing along with other forms of communication with customers. The research analyzes the company’s approaches to working with this tool within the framework of specialized software and identifies the problems of this activity. The authors present assessments of actions in the implementation of communication campaigns, study the statistical data obtained, and formulate conclusions and recommendations on the directions of effective use of the email channel in contemporary conditions. This research is intended for companies focused on improving the efficiency of their standard communication tools and using the opportunities provided by their digitalization and automation.

Oleg L. Lyamzin, Anna I. Skurikhina
Regionalisms as a Result of Cultural and Ethnic Contacts of Turkic-Speaking Peoples

The linguistic study of the problem of contact between peoples is interesting task of contemporary areal linguistics. The problem of areal contact of peoples has recently become the subject of special study of linguists. In the past, mutual influences between languages were mainly limited to external borrowings that did not affect the essence of languages. The research aims to conduct a comparative-historical study of the functional-stylistic and semantic features of borrowings in the Turkic languages; produce a conceptual-thematic and historical-etymological classification of the studied layer of vocabulary; and clarify the existing classifications of regionalisms on specific theoretical and factual materials. The proposed research will provide theoretical and practical assistance in studying the culture and linguistic characteristics of the peoples of Central Asia and their common dialects. The work can be used in the development of such general linguistic problems as comparative lexicology, linguistic contact theory, borrowed and native language fund, etc., as well as in the study of stylistics, speech culture, history and mixing of languages, psycholinguistics, etc. From a theoretical and practical point of view, this research can be useful when studying the languages of the Central Asian region or compiling etymological, explanatory, and other dictionaries by lexicographers.

Siuita R. Abdykadyrova, Toichubek B. Kabylov, Sabyrkul Sh. Kalygulova, Khulkharai T. Abdurakhmanova, Dinara A. Salieva
Status and Personality Conditioning the Language Portrait of Politicians

The discourse of political actors is of particular interest as part of the socio-political situation that has developed in recent decades worldwide. The speech of politicians becomes the most important means of their communicative competence, on which their success largely depends. This research is devoted to the comparative analysis of the status and personal conditionality of the speech portrait of a politician on the material of the German and Russian languages on the example of their use in the speeches of A. Merkel and S. Lavrov. The analysis of the discursive practices of politicians on similar topics revealed the stylistic specificity of A. Merkel’s speeches as Chancellor and as former Chancellor of Germany compared with the speech specificity of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The research draws conclusions about the relationship between the status and the speech activity of a politician, establishing the main verbal markers characteristic of the speech portrait of a representative of power. As the comparative analysis shows, the speech of the head of the Foreign Ministry is richer in linguistic allusions and phraseological expressions. References to other political figures are characteristic for A. Merkel, which implies frequent use of anthroponyms. Linguistic realia and other stylistic means, presented in the system of the speech portrait of politicians, reflect the national and cultural flavor. They are a tool for implementing politically advantageous actions, including the manipulation of public consciousness.

Valentina F. Belova, Galina A. Lebedenko, Ainabat E. Mirzakhanova, Natalia V. Papka, Natalia S. Shavkun
Psychological Conditions for the Development of Student’s Personal Resources in the Educational Environment

The research focuses on the problem of studying the psychological conditions for developing a student’s personal resources in an educational environment. The methodological basis of the research is the conceptual model of personal potential developed by D. A. Leontiev. The tools of psychological diagnostics included methods aimed at studying the personal resources of students, acting as components of personal potential—psychological well-being, resilience, and meaningful life orientations. As a result of the research, the authors found that a significant number of students have a low level of psychological well-being, difficulties in organizing daily activities, and difficulties in determining goals and direction of life, feeling a lack of control over what is happening in life and the inability to change existing circumstances for the better, dissatisfaction with oneself, and the lack of self-acceptance. It has been experimentally proven that all studied personal resources represent a single, consolidated system. Therefore, the positive development of variable personal resources (psychological well-being, vitality, and life orientations) is a determinant of the harmonious development of a student’s personality. The authors present the results of the study of the student’s personal resources. Based on the results obtained, the authors, for the first time, developed the psychological conditions for the development of personal resources in the educational environment. The obtained research results can be used in programs for the psychological support of students, elaboration and implementation of programs for the development of personal resources, and the conduct of individual and group correctional and evolving work in the educational environment.

Svetlana V. Khrebina, Mariyam M. Erkenova, Maxim V. Khrebin, Rimma G. Zvereva, Iana A. Kharchenko
Improvement of the Personnel Innovation Activity Management System Based on the Principles of Social Orientation

The research aims to improve the system for managing the innovative activity of personnel based on the principles of social orientation. Innovations are considered the main tool for the organization’s sustainable development. One of the problems of organizations’ innovative development is the low innovative activity of personnel. Resistance to innovation arises as a result of inefficient motivational decisions. Existing incentive systems are ineffective because they do not consider the employee’s personal characteristics. The main elements of the innovation activity management system are the employee as a generator of innovations and the organizational and managerial environment as an environment for implementing innovations. The innovative activity of an employee is determined by the necessary level of professional competence, personal initiative, motivation for development in their professional field, and motivation for work activity. To ensure these conditions, creating a socially oriented organizational and managerial environment is necessary. Determining the motivational type of an employee based on the typological model of V. I. Gerchikov makes it possible to consider the personal characteristics of an employee when forming a system of labor relations and increasing the effectiveness of corporate training to increase innovative activity. Employees with personal initiative can be expected to be more involved in innovation activities. Employees belonging to the avoidant type of motivation cannot innovate actively. The social orientation of the innovation activity management system is implemented through the possibility of choosing a preferable type of incentive for each employee, as well as determining the employee’s motivation for learning and development in their professional field.

Alla G. Zinchenko, Elena L. Neznahina, Sergei B. Sorokin, Dmitrii A. Kornilov, Elena V. Kornilova

International Experience in Reducing Ecological Footprints at the Level of Regional and National Economies and Groups of Countries

Prospects for Developing Public–Private Partnerships in Regions with Limited Potential for Self-development

Paper aims to identify promising areas for developing public–private partnership mechanisms, mainly concession agreements. To achieve this goal, paper considers Central Russia regions development and the conditions under which public–private partnerships can increase the potential of their self-development. Based on practical experience in implementing concession agreements, the authors identified objective and institutional factors of projects. Paper concludes that public–private partnerships development in economic activities that integrate the internal resource capabilities is hindered by objective (e.g., the insufficient mass of entrepreneurs, limited investment opportunities at the expense of own capital, low level of return on assets and business capital, and low market capacity) and institutional factors (e.g., difficulties of making adjustments because of changes in environmental factors, institutional changes, insufficient development of tools to stimulate PPP at the regional level, overestimated criteria for obtaining resources of development institutions, etc.).

Zhanna A. Zakharova, Maxim V. Suraev, Zoya I. Bakhur, Vyacheslav Fomin
Contemporary Approaches to Managing Investment Flows in the Regional Economy

In the current conditions, serious problems of economic transformation are changing the vector of investment flows. Thus, the issue of improving investment management is incredibly relevant. Investing in production is characterized by a long payback period and, therefore, requires competent investment management to control the resources attracted to a particular sector of the economy. A number of unstable factors affected the development of the global economy and made future economic prospects even more confusing. The research aims to explain which contemporary approaches and trends in investment flow management are most relevant for the socio-economic development of Russian regions. The methodology used in this research is to assess the world experience and practice of managing investment flows. The theoretical understanding of investment management is clarified, and economic instruments for attracting investments to real sectors of the economy of the country’s regions are determined. The authors analyzed a step-by-step mechanism for managing investment flows to create production agglomerations. Since this is a fairly extensive study, it cannot cover all factors in detail. Nevertheless, this research explains in detail the factors that are of great importance for Russian regions. The research results can be applied to the correct and effective planning of investment activities in Russian regions.

Elena A. Bratukhina, Eleonora V. Nagovitsyna, Dmitry S. Tusin
Management Innovation and Economic Development of Chinese Universities in the Information Age

The twenty-first century is the new double-E (Education and Economy) information age. Higher education is an important guarantee to improve the quality and skills of human capital. It is an important means to change labor-intensive and extensive production. The research aims to discover the problems in the process of university management innovation and explore the optimization method of Chinese university management innovation and development. This paper uses literature, historical, comparative, and data analysis as guidance research methods. Through the analysis of the current situation and problems of China’s university management and economic development in the information age, the authors conclude that the innovation of university education management is to put forward suggestions in the aspects of university education fund investment, talent optimization, government power, and responsibility innovation and establish an information-sharing platform between universities and enterprises.

Yanyan Zhang, Elena I. Lazareva, Elena A. Repina, Wenjun Li, Ziqiang Zhao
Online Education in BRICS Countries: New Opportunities for Post-pandemic Development

Paper studies features of the development of online education sector in the BRICS countries in pre-pandemic and pandemic dynamics, assess its prospects as a strategic direction of the alliance, and propose measures for improvement. This research aims to reveal the state of the online education sector in the BRICS countries in pre-pandemic and pandemic dynamics, assess its prospects as a strategic direction of the alliance, and propose measures for improvement. Paper investigates literacy rates in the BRICS countries and justifies the need to find tools to improve literacy and human development. The research analyzes the implementation of online primary, secondary, tertiary, and vocational education programs in the BRICS countries based on available international data. The authors assess the dynamics of the online education sector in the BRICS. Paper concludes acceleration of digitalization processes and online education in all BRICS countries. The research proposes measures aimed at mitigating the problems of low literacy in the BRICS countries through online educational platforms.

Sergey V. Ponomarev, Ekaterina E. Mirgorod, Anna F. Beilina, Alexandra A. Chudaeva, Artur A. Maksaev
Risks of Socio-economic Uncertainty for the Well-Being of the Population: The Experience of Developed and Developing Countries

The purpose of the study is to identify current risks of uncertainty for the well-being of the population of various countries and to form a set of effective measures to manage them and adapt economic systems to external and internal changes. The authors investigated the current risks of uncertainty of the external environment and their impact on the development of various countries. Moreover, the authors identified the corresponding risks for economic systems. The research analyzes the indicators of the well-being of the population of G7 and the Eurasian Economic Union countries in dynamics. The state policy measures that provided some of the studied countries with positive results of maintaining the level of well-being in 2020–2021 are systematized. The authors concluded that success in overcoming modern risks of socio-economic uncertainty does not always depend on the degree of economic development of the country and the high level of well-being of the population. The authors revealed a high differentiation in the effectiveness of state policy of different countries for the population’s well-being. A set of measures for risk management for the population’s welfare to adapt economic systems to external and internal changes is substantiated.

Ekaterina V. Lisova, Maryna V. Andryiashka, Natalia V. Ruzhanskaya, Olga V. Shugaeva, Nadezhda V. Klimovskikh
Current Trends in the Regional Economic Systems Development: Key Determinants of Economic Growth

The study of the composition and significance of factors that define the balance, quality, and continuity of economic growth of Russian regions will create the basis for designing a comprehensive system of their development in the future, considering current realities. The conducted SWOT highlighted “pain points” (weaknesses and threats), as well as strengths and opportunities that are available or potentially exist from the position of the list of key determinants that are determined within the given above framework. Most significant factors influencing the balance and quality of economic growth of mesoeconomic systems identification create opportunities for the concentration of efforts on the part of the federal level and regional authorities on the efficient and purposeful stimulation of the necessary components of the system and leveling existing threats. Regional changes are associated with economic and institutional determinants, which together define the conditions in regional and national aspects in the near future, as well as provide the basis for sustainable economic growth in the future and determine the prospects for obtaining advantages within a competitive environment.

Marina E. Buyanova, Irina S. Averina, Elena Yu. Horuzhaya
Digital Development of Russian Regions: Prospects and Contradictions in a Period of Turbulence

This paper studies modern factors of turbulence and assessing ability of Russian regions to adapt to the changes by implementing accelerated digitalization. The research systematizes the factors of turbulence that influence on regions. The paper identifies turbulence factors as economic systems challenges, studies global turbulence at the stage of maximum manifestation of uncertainty and chaos, concludes and proposes options for managing regional economic systems during global turbulence. The expansion of turbulence factors requires measures to adapt to uncertain conditions. (1) The increase in demand from the population for online goods and services. (2) Ensuring opportunities for rural and urban areas to become a separate area of regional policy. (3) Improvement of the educational complex of the region in terms of creating digital platforms for training and retraining the population of regions. (4) Further stimulating the digitalization of public administration and the social sphere. (5) Strengthening the cybersecurity of regional economic entities. The paper lets to conclude that during the turbulence of 2019–2021, the digital development of Russia’s regions accelerated the varying degrees of adaptation of regional economic systems to changing conditions. It is proved that the expansion of turbulence factors requires adaptation measures to uncertain conditions. The authors propose the directions of adaptation of Russian regions to the conditions of turbulence.

Nadezhda V. Pilipchuk, Zhanna A. Aksenova, Svetlana V. Lupacheva, Olga M. Markova, Ruslan M. Tamov
Effect of Relational Capital, Structural Capital, and Human Capital on the Performance of Insurance Brokers in Zambia

This paper seeks to determine whether relational capital, structural capital, and human capital have positive effects on the performance of insurance brokers in Zambia. The authors use data gathered from chief executive officers by way of a structured survey. The target population of interest are insurance brokers that have operated for at least three consecutive years (i.e., 2019, 2020, and 2021). A review shows that only 45 insurance brokers meet this criterion. The results indicated that relational capital and human capital have positive effects on insurance brokers’ performance in Zambia, whereas structural capital has a negative effect on the performance of insurance brokers in Zambia. The research recommends that insurance brokers should employ qualified staff whom they will later invest in through training and development programs to enhance productivity. The research also recommends that insurance brokers should form partnerships, alliances, mergers, etc., among themselves to compete effectively with the market leaders or form partnerships with other reputable institutions and non-broking entities, such as banks and mobile network operators that cover a wide geographical area and use advanced distribution channels. This paper is unique as it is the first to address the effect of relational capital, structural capital as well as human capital on the performance of insurance brokers in Zambia and highlights areas insurance brokers can work on to improve their performance.

Maikisa Ilukena, Taonaziso Chowa, Lubinda Haabazoka
Analysis of Climate Conditions of the Batken Region

This research touches upon the problems associated with clarifying and determining the patterns of changes in weather conditions in the southwestern part of the Kyrgyz Republic, namely in the Batken Region. The research object is the natural climatic conditions of the Batken Region. The research subject is archival data on air temperature and precipitation at weather stations in the Batken and Osh Regions. The conducted research aims to supplement the missing information in the database of meteorological stations with reliable information necessary for the completeness of the analysis of average annual temperatures and precipitation in the Batken Region. The studies used a statistical method of analysis, namely the method of regression analysis. As a result of the research, the authors compiled a climatogram of the Batken Region, determined the values of the air humidity coefficient, and supplemented the information data of weather stations with reliable information on air temperature and precipitation.

Idirisbek G. Kenzhaev, Oskonbai U. Dilishatov, Bakhtyiar U. Khasanov, Zhahnbolot Zh. Tursunbaev, Bakytbek E. Kudaiberdiev
The Constructs of Short-Term Consumer Credit from the Perspective of Merchants and Employers as Key Stakeholders in Zambia

The research focuses on comprehending key stakeholders in Zambia. Its primary objective is to establish a foundational understanding that can aid in considering its suitability, feasibility, and acceptability. To achieve this, the authors utilized a detailed action research model. The data collected was presented in textual form and underwent analysis in two distinct steps. In the initial phase, thematic analysis was employed to derive concepts from the meaning units. Subsequently, in the second phase, the authors conducted a relational analysis using semantic analysis. Both types of analysis were performed using the NVivo package on a computer. The results of the analysis revealed an average suitability and acceptability rate of 80% and a feasibility rate of up to 90%. These findings imply that the acquired knowledge is well-suited to guide the development of an appropriate short-term consumer credit model, one that is feasible, acceptable, and capable of addressing the issue of high-interest rates.

Henry L. Chikweti, Lubinda Haabazoka, Jackson Phiri
Methodological Aspects of Budgetary Monitoring of the Implementation of National Projects in the Regions of Russia

The research aims to form methods and techniques for budgetary monitoring of the implementation of national projects in Russia in the context of internal and external changes and contradictions in the development of the state budget system. The authors carried out budget monitoring based on economic analysis, mathematical statistics, and other scientific methods. The selected methodological mechanism was tested on the information of the Federal Treasury of Russia for 2021 and the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation. Identification of potential threats to the implementation of national projects in the context of regions based on their classification with high, satisfactory and minimal levels of risk makes it possible for public authorities at all levels to regulate public financing. The methodological mechanism of budget monitoring is based on the unification of indicators of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, which can be expanded by taking into account target criteria.

Nadezhda I. Yashina, Svetlana N. Kuznetsova, Elena P. Kozlova, Ekaterina P. Garina, Evgeniy Yu. Denisov
Organizational and Economic Mechanisms of Sustainable Development of Industry in the Kyrgyz Republic

The research aims to study the prospects for accelerating and improving the efficiency of Kyrgyzstan’s neo-industrialization. Paper determines the contribution of such mechanisms as quality certification and environmental certification of industrial products in the implementation of SDGs using the method of correlation analysis. The research is conducted in the dynamics of 2013–2022 based on the experience of the Kyrgyz Republic. The key conclusion is that no single mechanism is sufficient to support the SDGs fully. To provide the fullest and most balanced support of the SDGs in industry, the authors recommend the systemic application of the considered mechanisms in the Decade of Action. The research results also lay the foundation for the continuity of neo-industrialization of the Kyrgyz Republic and strengthen the scientific and methodological basis for strategic industrial development of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2024 and after that.

Svetlana V. Zatravina, Mukaddas A. Dzhorobaeva, Aizhamal A. Bekturganova, Kubanych K. Toktorov, Guras D. Zhaparov
Comparing the Agricultural Sectors of the EAEU Countries Through the Sustainability Index

This study takes the aim to select factors determining the agricultural sector sustainable development in the EAEU countries, quantify them, and rank the countries according to the proposed integral index. The ideology of the integral index is grounded in the steady progression triune concept. The work methodologically substantiates selection of indicators for its calculation, reflecting the important aspects of the sector’s development: society, economy, and ecology. According to the author’s methodology, the ranking of the EAEU countries according to the above index shows the highest result for Belarus and the second highest result for Russia, followed by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Armenia. The analysis showed that each country has the potential for its further steady sectoral increase by improving the indicators included in the integral index. The methodological approaches outlined above made it possible to calculate an integral index to determine the position of each country in the agricultural development of the EAEU and, thus, created a basis for developing measures to improve the performance of each country in the union, as well as to coordinate their overall development.

Irina B. Mukambaeva, Nelli I. Akylbekova, Nurbek J. Mukambaev, Ermeka J. Lailieva, Inna E. Nam
Correlation of Educational and Labor Migration of the Population of Russia

The research verifies the hypothesis that there is a direct close connection between such signs as labor and educational migration. Based on statistical data and dynamic series for seven years, the authors compile trend models with a reliability of up to 60%, which makes it possible to determine the migration contour of educational and labor migration in Russia for the next three years. The research results show that migration processes require an interdisciplinary approach to study. The research aims to explore the interrelationships of educational and labor migration, the primary approach, without considering restrictions and factors of influence. To test the hypothesis, the authors apply such methods as trend modeling, comparative analysis, and correlation analysis. The research results prove a close relationship between educational and labor migration. The quality and reliability of the data are checked based on the calculation of the correlation coefficient, its comparison with the Cheddock scale, and the evaluation of the coefficient of determination.

Tatiana Yu. Sinyuk, Mikhail A. Surzhikov, Natalia G. Kazimirova, Tatiana V. Voronina, Natalia V. Mishina
Pandemic and Sanctions: A Study of Economic Shocks in the Russian Economy

The research is aimed at studying the causes and factors of modern economic shocks and their manifestations in the Russian economy, as well as the search for measures to reduce their negative impact on the economic system. The research reveals the content of the “paradox of economic shock during the pandemic and sanctions restrictions” in Russia and reveals features of its manifestation. The external economic shock from the pandemic provoked the emergence of internal economic shock from implementing the policy of containment of the spread of coronavirus infection. The degree of impact of the external economic shock on the Russian economy was amplified by the simultaneous destabilization of the energy resources market. The adaptation of the Russian economy to the external economic shock of the pandemic coincided with the emergence of the sanctions economic shock. The authors analyzed the effects of economic shocks on the economy of Russia. The authors identified side effects of economic shocks on the Russian economy in the form of the launch of accelerated digitalization in the sectors of the national economy, increased access to digital infrastructure, and structural transformation of the labor and employment markets. Public policy measures aimed at leveling out the negative effect of economic shocks on Russia’s economic system are proposed.

Ekaterina A. Isaeva, Elena S. Materova, Gulnaz F. Galieva, Elvira A. Gatina, Tatyana G. Sobolevskaya
Current Challenges in the Development of the Kyrgyz Republic: Modernization of the Economy and the Financial Sector

The relevance of the selected research topic lies in determining the country’s readiness for current challenges in matters of modernization of the economy and finance and digitalization. The research aims to analyze the implementation of the national development programs (NDP) of the Kyrgyz Republic (KR) until 2026 and further improvement of the country’s economic development reflected in the NDS of the KR until 2040. The research tasks are to determine the current development of the economy of the KR in priority areas and suggest ways of modernization. The authors applied methods of statistical analysis of time series and dynamics of basic indicators. Based on certain categories of industries, the authors identified promising directions and ways of development. The application area of the research findings is the sphere of micro- and macroeconomics of economic structures of the state. The research revealed the presence of positive indicators and trends in the development of the economic, investment, and financial sectors. Topical problematic issues that require a comprehensive solution include issues of financing, investment, innovative development, and digitalization of economic sectors. The dynamics of the country’s economy are associated with certain changes in all areas of the world economy, including crisis factors that actively affect the development and stability of the national sectors of the economy.

Sergei R. Semenov, Kalybek Zh . Abdykadyrov, Aizada J. Otorchieva
Impact of Money Supply on Inflation in Uzbekistan—VAR Approach

Many scholars have examined the significance of the money supply for macroeconomics in developed countries. However, few studies have explored this assumption in developing countries. Therefore, this research presents the Vector AutoRegression (VAR) model for the developing countries. Within the econometric model, money supply, refinancing interest rate, money market rate, and inflation rates are obtained on a monthly basis. According to the analysis, while money supply and money market rates have significantly affected inflation, the effect of Central Bank refinancing effect on inflation was insignificant. Meanwhile, the inflation growth has partially increased money supply but increased money market rates and refinancing interest rates. Additionally, the increase in inflation in the previous months is negatively correlated with the inflation in the next month.

Aktam U. Burkhanov, Mohichekhra T. Kurbonbekova, Bunyod Usmonov
Directions of Trade Relations of Uzbekistan with the Countries of Central Asia

Research develops recommendations on prospective directions of mutual cooperation, determining the impact of trade turnover with Central Asian countries and Uzbekistan. The authors analyzed 2000–2021 foreign trade turnover using regression correlation, in which the influence of the trade turnover of Uzbekistan with each Central Asian country on the country’s foreign trade turnover was studied. The analysis results show that the development of foreign trade relations of Uzbekistan with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan is promising. The biggest problem in increasing foreign trade turnover of Uzbekistan is not that the country is not a WTO member but the need to modernize production. For this reason, there is a need for an economic–mathematical analysis of the modernization of the branches of the chemical industry and the attraction of foreign investments in this direction.

Mehri Kh. Vokhidova, Alomatkhan R. Abdullaeva
Ensuring the Sustainable Development of Russian Regions: The Practice of New Times

Many tasks in pandemic active phase were excluded from the list of strategically important. This contributed to a decrease in regional population well-being and now requires intensified efforts of the state in the recovery phase. Paper investigates a set of economic, social, and environmental tasks to reveal measures aimed at their return to the trajectory of sustainable development during post-pandemic recovery. The authors conducted an analysis of social, economic, and environmental data of 2019–2021, which allowed them to compare the dynamics of indicators in the period before the pandemic, in its acute stage, and in the post-pandemic recovery stage. The authors research sustainable development indicators. However, some responses to the crisis have mitigated its effects, more on the economic and social sphere than on implementing environmental measures. Paper recommends strengthen investment in building competencies in environmental knowledge, the need to form a regional reserve fund to finance projects to develop “clean” infrastructure, as well as introduction of lean consumption technologies in the activities of regional businesses.

Elena S. Materova, Igor V. Petrov, Nadezhda V. Pilipchuk, Sergey V. Ponomarev, Irina N. Shvetsova
Modern Principles of Management of the Russian Political Leadership

Political institutions act as actors capable of ensuring a balance between political, economic and public interests. The main purpose of the article is to clarify the role of the Presidential Executive Office of the Russian Federation in the political life of the country and the promotion of advanced management principles. This study examines the organizational the origins of this state body as a political institution; clarifies its legal and regulatory status; the most significant functions implemented by the Administration are highlighted; the importance in ensuring the legitimacy of the Russian government is characterized, an analogy is drawn between the ESG principles used by commercial structures and the management approaches used by the Administration. The authors use institutional, systemic and structural–functional approaches as scientific methods. The authors consider the apparatus of the Central Committee of the CPSU as a prototype of the Presidential Administration of Russia, and the Presidential Executive Office of the RSFSR as its direct predecessor. The Administration is considered as a constitutional body, a political institution derived from the institution of the President of the Russian Federation, and does not have its own powers other than those of the President. The authors believe that the coordinated work of the Administration contributes to the technocratic legitimacy of the first person of the state. The importance of the role of this state body as a powerful channel for recruiting high-level professionals is emphasized.

Rodion A. Kandyba, Denis A. Mirgorod, Elena A. Shabanova, Stanislav I. Sergeev, Irina M. Vilgonenko
Ecological Footprint of the Modern Economy and the Ways to Reduce It
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Bruno S. Sergi
Elena G. Popkova
Anna A. Ostrovskaya
Alexander A. Chursin
Yulia V. Ragulina
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