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01.11.2019 | Editorial

Editorial for the special issue “Scopes of the Social Imaginary in Sociology” in the ÖZS

verfasst von: Regine Herbrik, Tobias Schlechtriemen

Erschienen in: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie | Sonderheft 2/2019


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In this editorial, we offer an overview of research on the social imaginary. We begin by sketching the difficulties one faces when dealing scientifically with the social imaginary as an object of study, as a theoretical concept, or as an approach to studying cultural phenomena. We then collect the different lines of tradition, which have so far referred to the social imaginary within sociology. Although it often seems to play a marginal role for sociological theories, it nevertheless becomes clear how important the social imaginary is for a whole range of different approaches. In a further step, we elaborate theoretical and methodological starting points for productive research. We offer a heuristic scheme which should help to relate and classify different conceptions of and approaches to the social imaginary. Building on this, we delineate the research questions and fields of investigation which the social imaginary reveals, as well as the epistemological and social functions which it enables. Finally, we introduce the reader to the contributions of this special issue.

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This schema came up in discussions with Charlton Payne and Florian Sedlmeier while preparing the workshop “Einsätze des Imaginären (Uses of the Imaginary)” at the University of Konstanz in 2008.
For the help with editing and translating the texts of this special issue we like to thank Mirko Beckers, David Heyde, Wibke Liebhart, Marius Mielke and Helene Thaa as well as the Collaborative Research Center 948 “Heroes—Heroizations—Heroisms”.
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Editorial for the special issue “Scopes of the Social Imaginary in Sociology” in the ÖZS
verfasst von
Regine Herbrik
Tobias Schlechtriemen
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
Erschienen in
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie / Ausgabe Sonderheft 2/2019
Print ISSN: 1011-0070
Elektronische ISSN: 1862-2585

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