2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
EEE Method: Improved Approach of Compass Dimension Calculation
verfasst von : Vlastimil Hotař
Erschienen in: Nostradamus 2013: Prediction, Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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In our research has improved an approach of compass dimension calculating for topological one-dimensional objects (especially signals, time series or dividing lines). The method was named
valuation of length changes with
limination of insignificant
xtremes (EEE). The method stems from an estimation of the fractal dimension, so it measures changes of lengths in sequential steps. The EEE method does not use a fixed “ruler” for measurement in every step, but the line is defined by local extremes (maxima and minima). Mathematically generated functions (e.g. based on the Hurst coefficient), time series from real production processes and dividing lines (surface profiles and surface roughness) were used for experiments. The results show good potential for applications in off-line evaluations of data sets and on-line monitoring and control.