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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Effect of Defect Concentration on Photovoltaic Cell and Module Performance

verfasst von : Indrajit D. Pharne, Santosh V. Patil, Kshitij Bhargava

Erschienen in: Advances in Photonics and Electronics

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This research is centered on the development of lead-free double perovskite solar cells (DPSCs). Following a concentrated period of study, the double perovskite structure incorporating a blend of metals has emerged as the preferred choice over single-metal perovskite structures due to its superior performance characteristics. The most notable efficiency achieved by lead-free double perovskite solar cells stands at 19.89%. This investigation integrates a direct bandgap copper-antimony halide perovskite (Cs4CuSb2Cl12) absorber material to assess the efficacy of perovskite solar cells. To facilitate analysis, simulations have been conducted utilizing SCAPS-1D and PVsyst software tools. With this, the performance of the proposed solar cell was optimized for variations of absorber bulk defect density and interfacial defect density. After optimization, impressive PSC performance results have been achieved with VOC of 0.9 V, JSC (22.5 mA/cm2), FF (86.35%), and η (17.49%). Module-level analysis has been done with the PVsyst. PVsyst is a widely used software tool for photovoltaic system design and analysis. After cell level optimization using SCAPS-1D, a 1 MW AC/1.2 MW DC photovoltaic (PV) system has been designed using 60 double perovskite solar cells per module. In this work, the influence of the parametric variation on the PV module has been investigated using PVsyst. The proposed study will provide projections on energy production and solar system performance for researchers and PV manufacturers.

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Effect of Defect Concentration on Photovoltaic Cell and Module Performance
verfasst von
Indrajit D. Pharne
Santosh V. Patil
Kshitij Bhargava