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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

24. Effects of Lean Manufacturing on Sustainable Performance: Evidence from the Colombian Industry

verfasst von : Rafael Henao, William Sarache

Erschienen in: Lean Manufacturing in Latin America

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This chapter explores the relationship between Lean Manufacturing (LM) and sustainability in the context of Colombian metalworking companies. While LM emphasizes customer value maximization and waste reduction, sustainability concerns have become increasingly pivotal in global manufacturing. However, integrating sustainable practices into daily operations remains challenging. This study employs a survey-based empirical approach to analyze 133 Colombian manufacturing companies, revealing LM’s positive effects on the triple bottom line (TBL) performance pillars—people, profits, and the planet—when evaluated individually. Despite a lack of consensus in the literature regarding the effects of LM in the TBL, this research contributes valuable evidence of LM's positive impacts on sustainable performance under the TBL framework. The findings offer practical insights for LM implementation, addressing the need for improvements in sustainable performance without compromising economic and operational expectations. Moreover, the results provide opportunities for collaborative efforts between government, universities, and industries to develop policies and programs that enhance competitiveness and align with global sustainability expectations in Latin American manufacturing.

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According to GRI Sustainability disclosure database, by 2017 only 282 Colombian companies were using GRI reporting guidelines, and only 2 of them fell in the “Metal Products” category.
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Effects of Lean Manufacturing on Sustainable Performance: Evidence from the Colombian Industry
verfasst von
Rafael Henao
William Sarache


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