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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Effects of Portland Limestone Cement on Expansion Due to Alkali-Aggregate Reactions

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This paper evaluates the effect of using Portland Limestone Cement (PLC) on the expansion of the accelerated mortar bar test (AMBT). The preliminary results of the program showed no significant difference between the expansions of samples made with GU or GUL cement from the same supplier. Four aggregates were used in this study with four sources of cement. The difference between the expansion of GU and GUL for all the samples from the same supplier except one was <8.3% of the mean expansion, which is the expected within-lab precision of the test. Only one aggregate showed a difference of >8.3% when used with one source of cement, with a 14-day expansion of 0.28% and 0.34% for GU and GUL, respectively. The level of Na2Oe of the Portland cement did not significantly impact the AMBT expansion, likely due to the ample supply of alkalis from the soaking solution. As expected, alkali-carbonate reactive aggregate did not show an expansion above 0.10% at 14 days, except with one cement (Cem 3); however, the expansion was not much higher than the 0.10% limit.

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Zurück zum Zitat Thomas MDA, Hooton RD (2010) The durability of concrete produced with Portland-limestone cement: Canadian studies. PCA R&D SN3142, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL, vol 5, no 28, p 6 Thomas MDA, Hooton RD (2010) The durability of concrete produced with Portland-limestone cement: Canadian studies. PCA R&D SN3142, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL, vol 5, no 28, p 6
Zurück zum Zitat Sinno N, Shehata M (2021) Ways to evaluate alkali-silica reactivity of mineral fillers. In: Proceeding of the 16th international conference on alkali-silica reaction Sinno N, Shehata M (2021) Ways to evaluate alkali-silica reactivity of mineral fillers. In: Proceeding of the 16th international conference on alkali-silica reaction
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Zurück zum Zitat Canadian Standards Association (2019) Test method for detection of alkali-silica reactive aggregate by accelerated expansion of mortar bars Canadian Standards Association (2019) Test method for detection of alkali-silica reactive aggregate by accelerated expansion of mortar bars
Effects of Portland Limestone Cement on Expansion Due to Alkali-Aggregate Reactions
verfasst von
Athanasios Verros
Medhat Shehata