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2022 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Elevating the Customer Experience

verfasst von : Stephen Allen, Lizzie Christmas, Rachel Barnes

Erschienen in: Liquid Legal – Humanization and the Law

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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A company does not operate as an end in and of itself; its mission is to create sustainable value, and to do that, it needs to attract and retain customers. This requires more than “customer satisfaction,” and it encompasses the customer experience beyond simply using the company’s products and services. This paradigm—Experience-Centric Design—improves customers’ satisfaction, enjoyment, and meaning from the work they do. Fundamentally, it makes their lives simpler and better, allowing them to worry less about the problems they entrust to the companies they use.

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See Friedman (1970).
We use the term ‘customer’ rather than ‘client,’ with the former referring to human relationships—typically with numerous interconnections—between a buyer (or “user,” “consumer,” etc.) and individuals at a provider (or “merchant,” “seller,” etc.), as opposed to an entity-to-entity relationship (e.g., a contractual arrangement between corporations).
See, e.g., Berraies and Hamouda (2018).
Gelles and Yaffe-Bellany (2019).
Henderson and Temple-West (2019).
See Christensen et al. (2016).
Martin (2021).
See Clement A (2016) What Is Jobs to be Done (JTBD)? https://​jtbd.​info/​2-what-is-jobs-to-be-done-jtbd-796b82081cca.
The so-called “Stovellian Contradiction,” to use the term coined by James B. Stovell of Harvard University. See Stovell (1862), p. 374.
This section draws on Golan and Allen (2021).
See Deikman (1983). (“Humility is the acceptance of the possibility that someone else can teach you something else you do not know already.”)
Wright (1994).
Simon (1956), pp. 129–138. See also, Voltaire (1770) Dictionnaire philosophique. Basic Books Inc., (Peter Gay, ed.) 1962) (“…the perfect is the enemy of the good.”).
For an overview of the genesis of design thinking, see, e.g., Szczepanska J (2017) Design thinking origin story plus some of the people who made it all happen. https://​szczpanks.​medium.​com/​design-thinking-where-it-came-from-and-the-type-of-people-who-made-it-all-happen-dc3a05411e53. See also Dam and Siang (2020).
The five-step process is attributed to the Stanford Design School. See Mattson (2021). However, since pioneering this process, the school (now known as Stanford has evolved its pedagogy, with this hexagon graphic supplanted by other designs.
This section is adapted from Brown et al. (2022).
See Maslow (1943), pp. 370–396.
See, e.g., Stevenson and Moldoveanu (1995).
See, e.g., Brown (2018).
See Csikszentmihalyi (1990).
Zurück zum Zitat Berraies S, Hamouda M (2018) Customer empowerment and firms’ performance: the mediating effects of innovation and customer satisfaction. Int J Bank Market 36 Berraies S, Hamouda M (2018) Customer empowerment and firms’ performance: the mediating effects of innovation and customer satisfaction. Int J Bank Market 36
Zurück zum Zitat Brown B (2018) Dare to lead. Random House, New York Brown B (2018) Dare to lead. Random House, New York
Zurück zum Zitat Brown L et al (2022) The elevated workplace. in: Jacob K et al (eds) Humanisation and the law, Chap. 15. Springer Nature, Basel Brown L et al (2022) The elevated workplace. in: Jacob K et al (eds) Humanisation and the law, Chap. 15. Springer Nature, Basel
Zurück zum Zitat Csikszentmihalyi M (1990) Flow: the psychology of optimal experience. Harper & Row, New York Csikszentmihalyi M (1990) Flow: the psychology of optimal experience. Harper & Row, New York
Zurück zum Zitat Deikman A (1983) The observing self. Beacon Press, Boston Deikman A (1983) The observing self. Beacon Press, Boston
Zurück zum Zitat Friedman M (1970) A Friedman doctrine: the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. NY Times: SM 17 Friedman M (1970) A Friedman doctrine: the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. NY Times: SM 17
Zurück zum Zitat Maslow A (1943) A theory of human motivation. Psychol Rev 50(4):370–396CrossRef Maslow A (1943) A theory of human motivation. Psychol Rev 50(4):370–396CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Simon H (1956) Rational choice and the structure of the environment. Psychol Rev 63(2):129–138CrossRef Simon H (1956) Rational choice and the structure of the environment. Psychol Rev 63(2):129–138CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Stovell J (1862) Harvard Magazine VIII: 374 Stovell J (1862) Harvard Magazine VIII: 374
Zurück zum Zitat Wright J (1994) The moving image. In: Collected poems. Angus and Robertson, Sydney Wright J (1994) The moving image. In: Collected poems. Angus and Robertson, Sydney
Elevating the Customer Experience
verfasst von
Stephen Allen
Lizzie Christmas
Rachel Barnes