In a globally competitive economy, business integrity emerges as key to building a leadership role and attracting and retaining employees in a trusted environment for business. The literature argues positive relationships between team trust and performance, sales, profits, employee turnover, leader empowering behavior, job crafting, work engagement, ethical leaders, employment engagement, management, interpersonal justice, commitment, satisfaction, intent to stay, and so on. To respond to the research question “Across EU 27 countries are there any relationships between employee’s trust reflected in job tenure and business integrity expressed by training in 2015 compared with 2020?,” we apply Kendall’s tau-b correlation. Variables failed the normality and linearity assumption for Pearson correlation. The main conclusion of this chapter is that across the EU 26 countries studied, there is an increase in employee retention in the medium term, at the same time with increasing enterprises that provide management training stronger in 2015 than in 2020. Training in IT, either general or professional, does not have any relevance in retaining employees. We emphasize the importance of training in management as a direct measure of integrity even though our assumption was designed as an indirect measure. Our main contribution is to measure, in a quantitative manner, integrity by training in management using official statistics. Also, integrity is a dynamic value that is more important and has to be defined, formalized, and implemented inside the organization.
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