Issue 3/2022
Content (7 Articles)
- Invited Survey
Home health care routing and scheduling problems: a literature review
Jalel Euchi, Malek Masmoudi, Patrick Siarry
- Research Paper
Measures of balance in combinatorial optimization
Philippe Olivier, Andrea Lodi, Gilles Pesant
- Open Access
- Research Paper
Optimality conditions and Mond–Weir duality for a class of differentiable semi-infinite multiobjective programming problems with vanishing constraints
Tadeusz Antczak
- Research Paper
A note on ELECTRE TRI-nB with few limiting profiles
Denis Bouyssou, Thierry Marchant, Marc Pirlot
- Open Access
- Research Paper
Partition-based distributionally robust optimization via optimal transport with order cone constraints
Adrián Esteban-Pérez, Juan M. Morales
- Research Paper
Simple ranking method using reference profiles: incremental elicitation of the preference parameters
Arwa Khannoussi, Alexandru-Liviu Olteanu, Christophe Labreuche, Patrick Meyer
- PhD Thesis
Multi-period distribution network problems with minimum commitment contracts
Christian Clavijo López