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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

A Basic Study on Ground Improvement Techniques and Its Applications

Authors : Srijan Srijan, A. K. Gupta

Published in: Sustainable Design and Eco Technologies for Infrastructure

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Due to the reduction in the availability of the good quality of land because of the various reasons, there has been growing demand of the lands for the various civil engineering purposes. Thereby, there has been a considerable rise in the demand for improving the quality of the land which cannot been used in their current form. As a result, engineers have little choice but to employ soft and weak soils in the area by enhancing their strength using modern ground improvement strategy for construction. Replacement of soil, stone columns, vertical drains, vibro-compaction, soil reinforcement, dynamic compaction, vibro-piers, in situ densification, grouting, pre-loadings, and admixture stabilization are currently accessible ground enhancement techniques. The major objective of all the above methods majorly is to improve the bearing strength of the weaker soil deposits and also reduction in the settlement. Steel, glass, various polymers shaped like strips or blocks, and geosynthetics are utilized to improve the ground by making the soil more robust. The geosynthetics material can be employed for a variety of functions in various applications. It can be utilized to strengthen the soil's capacity to support weight by reinforcing, filtering, separating, containing, protecting, and confining it. This paper provides an in-depth examination of several contemporary approaches for improving the ground and their modern uses in civil engineering. An efficient design can be designed and an appropriate ground improvement approach can be adopted for a given application based on results of different ground renovation methods’ long-term performance and their analysis.

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A Basic Study on Ground Improvement Techniques and Its Applications
Srijan Srijan
A. K. Gupta
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore