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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

A Blockchain Enabled Medical Tourism Ecosystem

Authors : Nihar Ranjan Pradhan, Hitesh Kumar Sharma, Tanupriya Choudhury, Anurag Mor, Shlok Mohanty

Published in: Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Medical tourism is considered as a potential filed for high growth. There are several problems, including the possible ability of patient tourists to monitor critical elements of healthcare quality and professionals. In addition, patient-doctor confidence, process, openness of risks‚ privacy of the medical record and other threats associated with health in specific treatments come from queries. We study the possible benefits of Blockchain technology in this conceptual paper to answer several outstanding medical tourism concerns. We conclude that technology from Blockchain can serve as the basis for future study. Medical tourism. The four primary objectives that may be reached using Blockchain technology, namely to improve tourism experience, to reward sustainable behavior and to provide benefits for local communities, and to reduce worries about privacy, center on Smart Tourism Destinations. The report also discusses the main hurdles to deploy this new technology successfully. This study seeks to better improve existing understanding regarding blockchain technology’s prospective ramifications within the smart tourism field, particular destinations for smart tourism. In this paper, we have provided the strong need of medical tourism and the significance of Blockchain in secured and reliable medical tourism. Medical record sharing on global platform is security concern for doctor and patients. Blockchain Technology can be silver bullet for enhancing medical tourism for Global medical treatment.

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A Blockchain Enabled Medical Tourism Ecosystem
Nihar Ranjan Pradhan
Hitesh Kumar Sharma
Tanupriya Choudhury
Anurag Mor
Shlok Mohanty
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