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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

A Certain Investigation on Undersea Water Image Object Detection and Classification Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms

Authors : Kaipa Sandhya, Jayachandran Arumugam

Published in: Proceedings of Third International Conference on Computing and Communication Networks

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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The increase in the usage of marine resources in recent years has drawn attention toward the underwater image processing research field; however, underwater images face some of the challenges like severe absorption and scattering of water, low contrast, monotonous color, etc., and make a complicated process. In this paper, we made a comprehensive study related to underwater image processing in recent years. The study includes both machine learning and deep learning approaches used for the detection of underwater objects. This study also presents the current scenarios along with future trends and provides better insights into the research direction in underwater image processing. Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) techniques are widely used for the detection and classification process of undersea water object detection and they demonstrated good outcomes. This study categorizes AI into machine learning and deep learning techniques. This study analyzed 31 papers related to underwater image object detection from various publishers like IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, Taylor and Francis, etc. More survey analysis is based on the study of the deep learning model. Hence, this study presents the advantages and the disadvantages of each model with open research challenges of undersea water object detection and classification.

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A Certain Investigation on Undersea Water Image Object Detection and Classification Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
Kaipa Sandhya
Jayachandran Arumugam
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore