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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

54. A Complete Workflow from Idea to Prototype for Bioinspired Design

Authors : Anand Vazhapilli Sureshbabu, Jintin Frank, Markus Zimmermann

Published in: Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 3

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Bioinspired design approaches are either problem-driven where a technological problem is detailed and a phenomenon in nature that best addresses the problem is identified, typically using search terms in databases such as or similar. Or they are solution-driven where an interesting phenomenon is observed, abstracted, and applied to technological problems. We present a unified workflow with its associated tools that can work in both ways. It is based on a combination of different bioinspired and classical systems design techniques to better guide teams of technologists and biologists to arrive at a bioinspired solution from either side, solution- or problem-driven. Our workflow is broken down into the usual (i) identification of problem/phenomenon, (ii) abstraction of problem/phenomenon, and (iii) concept transfer. In addition, we provide methods to conduct (iv) solution formulation, (v) modeling and prototyping guidelines, and finally (vi) construction, testing, and validation of the prototype. Differently from other techniques, this workflow also focuses on what to do after the abstraction phase of the natural phenomena/problem to better develop a complete bioinspired product prototype. In addition to the workflow, associated abstraction tools like structural and functional biocards for both technological and biological phenomena guide problem formulation and modeling techniques. The approach is assessed in a seminar format where four teams of twenty designers use the workflow to develop a successful bioinspired product in a period of ten days. The student teams’ results confirm the applicability of the workflow with its advantages over classical methods and proved to be helpful in finding areas that need improvement.

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A Complete Workflow from Idea to Prototype for Bioinspired Design
Anand Vazhapilli Sureshbabu
Jintin Frank
Markus Zimmermann
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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