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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

A Conceptual Approximation Toward Occupational Safety and Health Within the Servitized Industry 4.0

Authors : J. A. Torrecilla-García, M. C. Pardo-Ferreira, M. Martínez-Rojas, J. C. Rubio-Romero

Published in: Organizational Engineering in Industry 4.0

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Present highly dynamic manufacturing environments call for adaptive and rapidly responding Occupational Safety and Health systems within the new technology-dependent production models. Emergent trends of Servitization and Industry 4.0 tend to become widely recognized and accepted in the industrial branches. The same way, the more sophisticated tendency is emerging. The Servitization of Industry 4.0 is regarded as another promising trend of manufacturing firms’ transformation of business models. So this servitization-based growth in product-based firms is one of the most active research domains; it may be prone to different interpretations and a variety of conceptualizations. It suggests the new paradigm shift of management of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) as the change will trigger new human-to-human and human-to-machine interactions and the new occupational risks will surface. This article provides an approximation to the conceptual framework of the convergence of Occupational Health and Safety and the Servitization of Industry 4.0, based on the scoping literature review, as well as it moots future areas of the research domain. Furthermore, it provides details of the principal types of the Emergent OSH approach in servitized Industry 4.0.

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A Conceptual Approximation Toward Occupational Safety and Health Within the Servitized Industry 4.0
J. A. Torrecilla-García
M. C. Pardo-Ferreira
M. Martínez-Rojas
J. C. Rubio-Romero
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