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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

34. A Conceptual Framework of a Blockchain Application in a Manufacturing Supply Chain

Authors : Erick Ponce, Josefa Mula, David Peidro

Published in: Industry 4.0: The Power of Data

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This paper presents a conceptual framework to apply blockchain technology to two implementation areas in a supply chain. It specifically intends to provide product tracking information to all stakeholders in the product development, assembly and subsequent delivery phases, manage information of supplied components to perform the assemblies where it is included, and track injected components. Information flow and exchange are supported by blockchain. This article contributes to this emerging technology by providing an overview of blockchain and its application to an industrial supply chain by presenting the real problems encountered in the chain, examines the implications of information centralization, traceability, and transparency, and identifies some potential challenges in the work performed by collaborating companies in quality, receipt, and shipment of goods terms, among others.

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A Conceptual Framework of a Blockchain Application in a Manufacturing Supply Chain
Erick Ponce
Josefa Mula
David Peidro
Copyright Year

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