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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

82. A Conceptual Model for Introducing Videos for Creative Skill-Based Education

Authors : Lalon, Gayatri Menon

Published in: Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 3

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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There is a need to introduce creativity through hands-on approaches or learning creativity through ‘creative thinking by hand’. The digital age has brought forth both; increasing challenges and opportunities. Democratization of media has ensured easy availability of equipment, resources, and freedom to create content, but a creative design-oriented approach is required to generate good content. The proposed conceptual model is expected to help designers in creating relevant learning content for creative skill-based education in the context of National education policy NEP 2020 through the medium of videos. The research is done through the lens of pragmatism and the method used for investigation is the multiple case study method. The case studies were selected based on different thematic content and pedagogical approaches taken in introducing videos to the group of learners in both formal and informal settings. Analysis was done based on the learning parameters as elaborated in Bloom’s taxonomy and entertainment parameters elaborated in play way methods of learning. Further analysis was carried out keeping in mind the requirements of NEP 2020 and the methodological approaches elaborated in it. This includes integrated education, experiential learning, and skill-based education. The study examines case studies in the context of NEP 2020 requirements and proposes a conceptual model which considers experiential learning, skill education, and art integrated education. It further elaborates on aspects related to each of the factors and enablers, i.e., how these aspects can be effectively put forth through audio-visual medium.

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A Conceptual Model for Introducing Videos for Creative Skill-Based Education
Gayatri Menon
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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