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02-08-2024 | Research

A Consensus Model with Non-Cooperative Behavior Adaptive Management Based on Cognitive Psychological State Computation in Large-Scale Group Decision

Authors: Yuetong Chen, Mingrui Zhou, Fengming Liu

Published in: Cognitive Computation

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Social cognition proposed that individual cognitive psychology was closely related to decision-making behavior. The heterogeneity of individual cognitive psychology has been ignored in large-scale decision-making. This research proposes a novel consensus decision model based on cognitive psychological state computation. Effective trust, cognitive trust, and opinion similarity are integrated to construct a fusion relationship network, and Louvain algorithm is used to divide communities. On this basis, non-cooperative individuals are identified. We quantify and classify individual cognitive psychological states by introducing attitude-belief factors. In this process, the cognitive trust and cognitive expression involved have fuzziness and uncertainty, which are quantified and computed by intuitionistic fuzzy set theory. Considering the difference in cognitive dissonance among non-cooperative individuals with different cognitive states, an adaptive feedback mechanism and trust renewal rule are proposed. The simulation results show that, on the one hand, the consensus model in this paper has a high timeliness. On the other hand, among the four types of cognitive psychological state, the non-cooperative individual with higher attitude factor and lower belief factor had higher management efficiency and consensus-reaching speed.

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A Consensus Model with Non-Cooperative Behavior Adaptive Management Based on Cognitive Psychological State Computation in Large-Scale Group Decision
Yuetong Chen
Mingrui Zhou
Fengming Liu
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Cognitive Computation
Print ISSN: 1866-9956
Electronic ISSN: 1866-9964

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