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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

A Cross-domain System Architecture Model of Dynamically Configurable Autonomous Vehicles

Authors : Tarık Şahin, Christian Raulf, Volkan Kızgın, Tobias Huth, Thomas Vietor

Published in: 21. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium

Publisher: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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The development of a dynamically configurable autonomous vehicle is subject to a high degree of complexity. This complexity is further intensified by usually domain-specific thinking and document-based development, leading to difficulties in managing the development processes. Therefore, there is a need for manageable and cross-domain approaches in the development of vehicle systems. For this purpose, Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) proposes an approach for modeling systems architectures with the necessary views for the development of vehicles. This contribution presents accordingly a cross-domain system architecture model in the sense of MBSE using the example of a dynamically configurable autonomous vehicle (DCAV) and highlights the resulting advantages for the development process. A DCAV includes an electrically and autonomously driven platform and exchangeable add-on capsules for different use cases. The system architecture model provides here a development environment where requirements on the DCAV, its behavior, and structure as well as their interrelations are described, structured, and unified at several levels for different use cases (e.g. passenger transport). In this way, a comprehensive basis for various development activities (e.g. function-oriented modularisation) is established, which at the same time indicates the great potential of system architecture models for the development of future vehicles.

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A Cross-domain System Architecture Model of Dynamically Configurable Autonomous Vehicles
Tarık Şahin
Christian Raulf
Volkan Kızgın
Tobias Huth
Thomas Vietor
Copyright Year