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A design and modeling perspective on photostimulation of the subretinal prosthesis with graphene-based photodiodes

Authors: Sharique Ali Asghar, Manjunatha Mahadevappa

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 2/2024

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The two leading causes of blindness in the developed world are age-related macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. The photostimulation of remaining retinal neurons using a photodiode in a proposed subretinal prosthesis is one of the solutions that hopes to restore vision. In this paper, we envision a better result through device simulation and modeling of a graphene-based photodiode that yields high-performance, wire-free, and light-induced retina implants. This study shows how the characteristics of graphene-based photodiodes have an improved result in terms of low threshold requirements for the activation of neurons. Graphene-based photodiode responsiveness is significantly improved in the visible and near-infrared ranges. Using a graphene photoconductive layer in a silicon photodiode can significantly decrease contact resistance, reduce dark current up to 20-fold, and lower the induced thermal effect and spontaneous emission by orders of magnitude of 103 and 106, respectively, compared to its Si counterparts. This advancement highlights graphene’s potential for optimizing metal–semiconductor interfaces, offering improved precision and sensitivity for high-resolution retinal prosthesis applications requiring enhanced signal-to-noise ratio and finer control. We offered a range of sizes for graphene-based photodiode arrays, including [5 × 5], [6 × 6], [6 × 7], and [7 × 6], to ensure the subretinal prostheses meet thermal safety standards. Physics-based modeling and simulation of graphene-based devices help us understand charge transfer mechanisms, improve operating bias, and achieve proper band gap modulation, which ushers in the development of graphene-like 2D materials for photostimulating neurons in projected retinal prostheses.

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A design and modeling perspective on photostimulation of the subretinal prosthesis with graphene-based photodiodes
Sharique Ali Asghar
Manjunatha Mahadevappa
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 2/2024
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137