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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

17. A Discussion on Nation’s Art Through Curatorial Design in National Museum of India

Authors : Pronita Mondal, Ritwij Bhowmik

Published in: Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 3

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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After independence, the National Museum of India was founded as an institution and a ceremonial space of the new nation where the Indian citizens can witness an ideal representation of the historic evolution of Indian civilization and art. Unlike the previous colonial institutions which represent an intellectual domain of the colony, with the intervention of the new nationalist government, with exhibition, strategic display design and the framing narrative, a shift in significance was made. This paper will discuss how the display of art and archaeological objects from India in National Museum of India is majorly a selection of early and mediaeval stone sculptures and paintings. Through this prioritization of certain materials, forms and genres among a large number and variety of objects of art, craft and culture, this representative exhibition has advertised the authority and importance of the art establishment of India and focused predominantly on celebrated notions of history and heritage of India. This paper will attempt to generate a central problem—in the visual reconstruction of India, how the national museum has curated a controlled image of the state designed towards making an international as well as a contemporary profile of historic ‘Indian art’ through its exhibition practices.

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Some fundamental books on Indian Art are Craven Roy C (1997) Indian art: a concise history; Craven Roy C (1976) A conscious history of Indian Art; Coomarswamy, A. k. (1923) Introduction to Indian Art; Havell, E. B (1920) A handbook of Indian Art; (1912) Ideals of Indian Art; (1908) Indian Sculpture and Painting; Gupta S.P, Asthana S P (2002) Elements of Indian Art etc.
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Under Ministry of culture, Archaeological survey of India is an Indian government authority responsible for excavation, research, conservation and preservation of historical monuments and ruins.
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go back to reference Guha, T.T.: Monuments, Objects, Histories: Institutions of art in colonial and post-colonial India. Columbia University Press, USA (2004) Guha, T.T.: Monuments, Objects, Histories: Institutions of art in colonial and post-colonial India. Columbia University Press, USA (2004)
go back to reference Craven Roy, C.: A conscious History of Indian Art. Thames and Hudson, London (1976) Craven Roy, C.: A conscious History of Indian Art. Thames and Hudson, London (1976)
go back to reference Craven Roy, C.: Indian Art: A Concise History. WW Norton, United Kingdom (1997) Craven Roy, C.: Indian Art: A Concise History. WW Norton, United Kingdom (1997)
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go back to reference John, B., Michael, D.: Ways of Seeing, Episode 1. BBC Enterprices, London (1972) John, B., Michael, D.: Ways of Seeing, Episode 1. BBC Enterprices, London (1972)
go back to reference Establishment of a National Museum of Art, Archaeology and Anthropology: Preparation of a modified graduated scheme. Government of India report, Government of India, New Delhi (1950) Establishment of a National Museum of Art, Archaeology and Anthropology: Preparation of a modified graduated scheme. Government of India report, Government of India, New Delhi (1950)
A Discussion on Nation’s Art Through Curatorial Design in National Museum of India
Pronita Mondal
Ritwij Bhowmik
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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