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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

A Graph-Based Cross-Vertical Digital Twin Platform for Complex Cyber-Physical Systems

Authors : Thierry Coupaye, Sébastien Bolle, Sylvie Derrien, Pauline Folz, Pierre Meye, Gilles Privat, Philippe Raïpin-Parvedy

Published in: The Digital Twin

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The intent of this chapter is to demonstrate the value of a transversal (i.e., cross-verticals and multi-actor) digital twin platform for Internet of Things (IoT) applications and complex cyber-physical systems at large (e.g., large-scale infrastructures such as telecommunication or electricity distribution networks) around the Thing in The Future experimental digital twin platform developed at Orange. Several real-life illustrative use cases in various domains — smart building, smart factory, smart city, and telecommunication infrastructures — developed by Orange and partners, are introduced. Main design, architectural and technological choices, which sustain this ambition, are discussed: graph-based structural and semantic modelling of systems of systems, large scale graph storage, platform distribution and federation.

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A Graph-Based Cross-Vertical Digital Twin Platform for Complex Cyber-Physical Systems
Thierry Coupaye
Sébastien Bolle
Sylvie Derrien
Pauline Folz
Pierre Meye
Gilles Privat
Philippe Raïpin-Parvedy
Copyright Year

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