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A high-performance doping-less tunnel FET with pocketed architecture: proposal and analysis

Authors: Nazia Haneef, Mohd Adil Raushan, Md Yasir Bashir, Mohammad Jawaid Siddiqui

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 4/2023

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In this paper, we propose a doping-less dual-material double-gate tunnel field-effect transistor with a P+ pocket (PP-DMG TFET). This gate-engineered technique is typically used in a MOSFET to improve device performance. The P+ pocket is embedded at the source side to enhance the performance of the pocket-engineered PP-DMG TFET device. This paper compares the performance of four DG-TFET-based devices, i.e. single-material gate (SMG), single-material gate with P+ pocket (PP-SMG), dual-material gate (DMG), and dual-material gate with P+ pocket (PP-DMG), by using 2D simulations. Electrostatic doping based on the charge plasma concept forms the requisite nip+ structure for tunneling formed on a thin intrinsic silicon layer. The proposed device (PP-DMG) has high ON-current capability, a high ON/OFF ratio and lower point subthreshold of 15.3 mV/dec, and an average subthreshold of 18.6 mV/dec. The analog parameters transconductance (gm) and cutoff frequency (fT) show impressive improvement. The device efficiency and transconductance frequency product (TFP) are also discussed. Finally, linearity and distortion analysis of parameters including VIP2, VIP3, IIP3, and IMD3 is carried out.

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A high-performance doping-less tunnel FET with pocketed architecture: proposal and analysis
Nazia Haneef
Mohd Adil Raushan
Md Yasir Bashir
Mohammad Jawaid Siddiqui
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 4/2023
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137