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2016 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

A Hydraulic Hybrid Neuroprosthesis for Gait Restoration in People with Spinal Cord Injuries

Authors : Mark J. Nandor, Sarah R. Chang, Rudi Kobetic, Ronald J. Triolo, Roger Quinn

Published in: Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The Hybrid Neuroprosthesis (HNP) is a hydraulically actuated exoskeleton and implanted Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) system that has been designed and fabricated to restore gait to people with spinal cord injuries. The exoskeleton itself does not supply any active power, instead relying on an implanted FES system for all active motor torques. The exoskeleton instead provides support during quiet standing and stance phases of gait as well as sensory feedback to the stimulation system. Three individuals with implanted functional electrical stimulation systems have used the system to successfully walk short distances, but were limited in the flexion torques the stimulation system could provide.

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A Hydraulic Hybrid Neuroprosthesis for Gait Restoration in People with Spinal Cord Injuries
Mark J. Nandor
Sarah R. Chang
Rudi Kobetic
Ronald J. Triolo
Roger Quinn
Copyright Year

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