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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

5. A Journey to Transform Students into Implementing the Sustainability Mindset: A Case of Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Ipmi (Ipmi International Business School)

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One of the objectives to develop the Center for Sustainability Mindset and Social Responsibility (CSMSR) of Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Ipmi or popularly known as Ipmi International Business School is to transform students into implementing the sustainability mindset. This chapter is about developing the sustainability mindset by practicing several forms of experiential learning discovery journey programs. The sustainability mindset is introduced through different approaches such as presenting award-winning business supporting SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), understanding the web of life, Aim2Flourish projects, eco-literacy campaign, detective challenge (understanding biospheric orientation), green projects, respecting diversity through virtual reality cardboard, designing life journeys, awareness campaign, developing life commitments to answer the global trend, conducting community engagement impacting people and planet, conducting business as an agent of world benefit, and writing a contemplative paper in the form of a letter to my unborn child. The 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) of the United Nations are embedded in the learning process.
The endeavors to transform students’ perspective into having a sustainability mindset was designed to contribute to the personal transformation discussions. The results have shown that students were engaged after going through the four frameworks of system perspective, ecological worldview, and emotional and spiritual Intelligence, each through the thinking, heart (being), and hand (doing) approach and had shown a new transformed mindset through their acts and commitments as seen through interviews, observations, their campaigns’ program to the communities, their writings, and life commitments/plans.

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A Journey to Transform Students into Implementing the Sustainability Mindset: A Case of Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Ipmi (Ipmi International Business School)
Amelia Naim Indrajaya
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