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A Machine Learning Approach and Methodology for Solar Radiation Assessment Using Multispectral Satellite Images

Authors: Preeti Verma, Sunil Patil

Published in: Annals of Data Science | Issue 4/2023

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In this paper, machine learning based method for the estimation of solar radiation in earth surface is presented. To design the machine learning model, multispectral (visible and infrared) satellite images of the very high-resolution from multiple locations are considered as primary data. The satellite images in visible and infrared bands, altitude, latitude, longitude, month, day, time, solar zenith angle, solar azimuth angle, viewing zenith angle, and viewing azimuth angle are used as input to the machine learning, while the solar radiation is taken as output variable. The paper specifics the entire procedure, including data collection, pre-processing, and feature selection, as well as the selection of the best machine learning algorithm, measurements, and validation. The impact of each input feature in estimating the solar radiation is also analyzed using correlation methods. SOLCAST datasets are used for Carcassonne city in the France. The analysis of correlations provides how variables are connected or linked. The Pearson correlation, Kendall rank correlation, Spearman correlation, and Phi K correlations are used in the present study and useful correlations exist because they allow us to anticipate future behaviour by relating the relevant parameters (such as azimuth angle, cloud capacity, dew point temp, air temp, DHI, DNI, horizontal component of beam radiation (Ebh), GHI, precipitable water, relative humidity, surface pressure, wind direction, wind speed, zenith, albedo daily). From the correlation results, neural network algorithm has been adopted using most relevant parameters to validate the results. Researchers and scientists may use the method to build high-efficiency solar devices like solar power plants and photovoltaic cells.

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A Machine Learning Approach and Methodology for Solar Radiation Assessment Using Multispectral Satellite Images
Preeti Verma
Sunil Patil
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
Annals of Data Science / Issue 4/2023
Print ISSN: 2198-5804
Electronic ISSN: 2198-5812

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