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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

2. A Managerial Approach to Industry 4.0 Training

Authors : J. I. Igartua, J. Retegi, J. A. Eguren

Published in: Industry 4.0: The Power of Data

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Training Industry 4.0 is one of the challenges companies face in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. However, existing training focuses mainly on technology and does not pay much attention to the management implications of implementing Industry 4.0 in organizations. The training approach presented in this article and developed through a university-industry cooperation scheme is based on a management perspective supported by an Industry 4.0 Advanced Management Framework, a training case based on the IMPULS Industry 4.0 Maturity Model, and a challenge-oriented technology training. The feedback received from the learners reflects that the management approach developed is valuable for the training of senior and middle management, underlining the importance of a goal-oriented strategic approach when implementing Industry 4.0 technologies. The need for more personalized training (more focused on the business problems of the participants) and the need to cope with “remote teaching” are the two training challenges to be addressed in the future.

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A Managerial Approach to Industry 4.0 Training
J. I. Igartua
J. Retegi
J. A. Eguren
Copyright Year

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