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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

22. A Maturity Model for Industry 4.0 Manufacturing Execution Systems

Authors : Miguel Á Mateo-Casalí, Francisco Fraile, Andrés Boza, Raul Poler

Published in: Industry 4.0: The Power of Data

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Economic globalization and the increase in consumption by society have created a need for companies to optimize and improve production processes. Thanks to new technologies, it is possible to increase their effectiveness to achieve the required objectives. The degree of automation in factories is already high, so changing the production process does not generate a significant increase in efficiency. Consequently, it is required to insert new tools that allow a more significant increase of the factory resources. This is where the concept of “Industry 4.0” is born. The aim of this work is to stablish an action protocol to implement the status of a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) in a factory. A maturity model will be proposed to analyze the state of implementation of the Manufacturing Execution Systems of Industry 4.0 based on three of the three dimensions (technical, operational, and human). The levels of development in each of them are based on the Capability Maturity Model Integration ( CMMI).

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A Maturity Model for Industry 4.0 Manufacturing Execution Systems
Miguel Á Mateo-Casalí
Francisco Fraile
Andrés Boza
Raul Poler
Copyright Year

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