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A meta-analysis of the effects of sponsorship disclosure in influencer marketing

Authors: Xia Liu, Hong Zhao

Published in: Marketing Letters

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To disclose or not? Despite valuable insights on the impact of influencer disclosure, marketers and influencers remain hesitant. This research quantitatively integrates 288 effect sizes from 37 studies involving 12,721 participants to draw generalized conclusions. Our findings reveal that influencer sponsorship disclosure increases persuasion knowledge and brand recall, but reduces credibility, while its overall effects on attitude and conative responses are insignificant. To address the heterogeneity in affective and conative consumer responses, and guide disclosure practices, we identify four moderator groups—disclosure characteristics, stimulus characteristics, consumer characteristics, and controls—and examine their moderating effects through a meta-regression model. Our findings suggest that sponsorship disclosure is more effective when disclosed by others (vs. the influencer), presented as a hashtag (vs. a statement), longer in length, appeared in video (vs. text or image) post, and shown to adults (vs. children and adolescents). This research is significant for influencers, marketers, and policymakers in promoting ethical and effective consumer communication.

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A meta-analysis of the effects of sponsorship disclosure in influencer marketing
Xia Liu
Hong Zhao
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Marketing Letters
Print ISSN: 0923-0645
Electronic ISSN: 1573-059X