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A Metaheuristic Algorithm Based Clustering Protocol for Energy Harvesting in IoT-Enabled WSN

Authors: Biswa Mohan Sahoo, Abadhan Saumya Sabyasachi

Published in: Wireless Personal Communications | Issue 1/2024

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With the development of micro-electro-mechanical-system, energy harvesting (EH)-enabled sensor nodes may be used in many applications. WSNs without EH-enabled nodes still have limited applicability due to limited battery resources. The introduction of EH-enabled sensor nodes in the network increases costs and reduces performance due to environmental factors. We propose the clustering-based BAT algorithm for energy harvesting (CBA-EH) in IoT-enable wireless sensor networks to maximize the network performance. The Bat Optimization Algorithm is employed to optimize the fitness factors associated with CH selection. These factors include residual energy, intra-cluster distance, inter-cluster distance, and distance between EH-nodes and sink. The utilization of EH-enabled nodes enables us to effectively manage and minimize the network’s operational costs. The simulation results show that the suggested approach significantly improves network stability and operating time compared to current methods. In comparison to the GAOC protocol, simulation findings demonstrate that CBA-EH enhances stability, network lifetime, and throughput by 45%, 42.13%, and 48%, respectively.

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A Metaheuristic Algorithm Based Clustering Protocol for Energy Harvesting in IoT-Enabled WSN
Biswa Mohan Sahoo
Abadhan Saumya Sabyasachi
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Wireless Personal Communications / Issue 1/2024
Print ISSN: 0929-6212
Electronic ISSN: 1572-834X