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2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

A Method for Quality Assurance for Business Process Modeling with BPMN

Authors : Waldeyr Mendes C. da Silva, Aletéia P. F. Araújo, Maristela T. Holanda, Rafael T. de Sousa Júnior

Published in: Developments and Advances in Intelligent Systems and Applications

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Within the development of computer systems, the goal of business process mapping is to understand, improve, and organize the process activities to ensure efficient and correct implementation for releasing important firsthand inputs for requirements engineering. These inputs can be improved by process modeling. The quality of business process modeling can decisively influence the software quality. Internal quality analysis is done in-house, for the development process, while external quality analysis is done for the final product and satisfaction of the end consumer. Therefore, process modeling contributes to the production of consistent artifacts inorder to improve communications within the project. A way to assure quality comes from quality attributes verified with checklists in iterative cycles. Process mapping, then, contributes both to producing consistent artifacts and to improving communications within the project.

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A Method for Quality Assurance for Business Process Modeling with BPMN
Waldeyr Mendes C. da Silva
Aletéia P. F. Araújo
Maristela T. Holanda
Rafael T. de Sousa Júnior
Copyright Year

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