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2019 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

A Multi-client DSSE Scheme Supporting Range Queries

Authors : Randolph Loh, Cong Zuo, Joseph K. Liu, Shi-Feng Sun

Published in: Information Security and Cryptology

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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We consider the need for security while providing services that are comparable to that of traditional applications to fully exploit cloud services to its fullest potential. While Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption (DSSE) supports such needs, we want to be able to protect against file-injection attacks. Hence, we require forward privacy and a scheme which allows for a wide range of searching capabilities. We propose an extension, based on the RSA problem, to a DSSE scheme that supports range queries allowing the scheme to also support multiple clients. Furthermore, we describe how we can further manage clients using Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) such that clients cannot decrypt ciphertexts that fall outside of their access rights.

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A Multi-client DSSE Scheme Supporting Range Queries
Randolph Loh
Cong Zuo
Joseph K. Liu
Shi-Feng Sun
Copyright Year

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