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19-11-2024 | Research Paper

A multidimensional spatial model for preference representation in multi-criteria group decision aiding

Authors: Arwa Khannoussi, Antoine Rolland, Julien Velcin

Published in: 4OR

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In this work we propose to use a multidimensional spatial model to represent preferences of a group of decision makers in multi-criteria decision aiding. The decision makers are represented in a shared space with the alternatives so that their positions are consistent with the preferences that they express on pairs of alternatives. We show how the parameters of this preference model can be learnt from holistic preference judgements, and discuss its various consequences and properties.

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A multidimensional spatial model for preference representation in multi-criteria group decision aiding
Arwa Khannoussi
Antoine Rolland
Julien Velcin
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
Print ISSN: 1619-4500
Electronic ISSN: 1614-2411

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