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A nanoelectromechanical energy-reversible switch: theoretical study and verification by experiment of its applicability to adiabatic computing

Authors: Abdulilah M. Mayet, Mohammed Abdul Muqeet, Fadi Kurdahi

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 6/2024

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The article offers a comprehensive exposition of the theoretical underpinnings and empirical substantiation pertaining to the energy-reversible nanoelectromechanical switch (NEMS) in the context of adiabatic computing and biomedical applications. Adiabatic circuits employ a power clock consisting of four phases and employ astute circuit configurations to circumvent the accumulation of transistor charge during logic operations, thereby mitigating power consumption. NEM switches exhibit minimal leakage current and demonstrate a low static power consumption profile, rendering them highly suitable for deployment in various electronic devices. The utilization of energy-reversible NEMs witches has the potential to mitigate adiabatic circuit power consumption. The rationale behind this phenomenon lies in the switch ability to preserve and regenerate mechanical bending energy throughout successive cycles, both in the present and in subsequent switching events. The present study aims to investigate the advantages associated with the utilization of NEMS, encompassing both three-terminal and energy-reversible variations, as opposed to CMOS (complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor) transistor switch within adiabatic circuits. This study aims to investigate the dissipation of power clock energy per cycle across a range of frequencies through a comprehensive analysis grounded in theoretical principles and substantiated by empirical evidence. Throughout the course of this investigation, it was observed that the pull-in voltage of energy-reversible NEM switches exhibited a consistent decrease of 13% over consecutive switching cycles. The reduced pull-in voltage results in a decrease in the amount of energy required for switching. In the realm of low-frequency activities that operate at frequencies below 100 kHz, it has been observed that the implementation of noise exclusionary mechanisms has the potential to effectively curtail energy consumption. Henceforth, it is imperative to underscore the primary domains wherein biomedical engineering and low-power applications ought to be accorded paramount significance.

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A nanoelectromechanical energy-reversible switch: theoretical study and verification by experiment of its applicability to adiabatic computing
Abdulilah M. Mayet
Mohammed Abdul Muqeet
Fadi Kurdahi
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 6/2024
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137