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01-05-2024 | Original Paper

A Needs Assessment to Support Faculty Members’ Awareness of Generative AI Technologies to Support Instruction

Authors: Rita Mathew, Jill E. Stefaniak

Published in: TechTrends | Issue 4/2024

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This paper provides an overview of a needs assessment study conducted in higher education to address the impact of generative AI, specifically ChatGPT, on faculty development and instructional strategies. The study acknowledges the disruptive effect of AI on academia and the varying responses from faculty members. It emphasizes the importance of equipping educators with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively integrate generative AI into their teaching practices. The results of the needs assessment reveal various factors contributing to performance gaps, including policy and budget, knowledge, skills, competencies, information, and technological tools. The study suggests that faculty members need support in understanding the scope and implications of AI and AI-driven content creation, assessment, and personalized learning.
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A Needs Assessment to Support Faculty Members’ Awareness of Generative AI Technologies to Support Instruction
Rita Mathew
Jill E. Stefaniak
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
TechTrends / Issue 4/2024
Print ISSN: 8756-3894
Electronic ISSN: 1559-7075

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