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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

A Novel Model to Predict the Whack of Pandemics on the International Rankings of Academia

Authors : Nidhi Agarwal, Devendra K. Tayal

Published in: Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Pandemics bring physical life to a complete standstill; people are bound to remain confined to their homes. Students suffer a lot academically due to closure of educational institutes worldwide due to pandemic fear. In such a scenario, imparting adequate education to them so that their academics is not affected, is a big challenge. During the COVID-19 pandemic time, educational institutions have really played a good role in imparting online education to students. Their career and academic tenure were not affected. It is contrary to the past pandemics throughout the world history where students’ academic years were lost. All this has been possible because of advancement in technologies related to Human Computer Interaction. The educational institutions tried to cope up a lot with the current educational mode but lacked in some or the other international ranking parameters. This brought sudden dips in their international ranks which can be regained only in long periods of time with major extra efforts. This research work provides an insight on the slipped off international ranks of higher educational institutions during global disruptive conditions like pandemics (COVID-19 and combatting with future pandemics). The novel model proposed in this work helps academicians in predicting the impact of pandemics on their overall international rankings so that recovery decisions and plans can be taken timely by academicians to combat with the situation. The work involves developing a model based on Machine Learning advanced algorithms with the inclusion of a humongous ranking dataset. Strong empirical results support the high efficiency as sensitivity = 97.98, Accuracy = 97.54, F1 value = 97.82, Kappa-score = 0.95. Using the proposed model. To the best of our knowledge, till now none of the researchers have proposed any such pioneering tool for academicians using advanced Machine Learning algorithms.

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A Novel Model to Predict the Whack of Pandemics on the International Rankings of Academia
Nidhi Agarwal
Devendra K. Tayal
Copyright Year

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