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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

33. A Novel Version Control Scheme for Supporting Interrupted Product Concept Sketching

Authors : B. Sankar, Dibakar Sen

Published in: Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 3

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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This paper presents an application of an off-the-shelf software version control system (VCS) for supporting the different phases that naturally occur during product concept sketching. Concept development is a cognition-dominant activity that passes through repeating phases of creation (sketching), evaluation and planning. The contemplative phases promote diversification, modification, and interruptions in the activity of sketching. It is argued that VCS has the potential to support the natural process of concept development. Eight designers were involved in a pilot study to solve two distinct problems using conventional and VCS-mediated systems. It is found that VCS supports the explorative nature of conceptualization. Although it did not show much difference in the number of finished concepts, VCS aided the designers in the process of exploring multiple alternatives and effectively managed the natural and imposed interruptions. This paper includes a pictorial representation of the various concepts explored through concept sketching.

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Efficacy (A): Ability to develop concepts at a fundamental level with limited options in the medium.
Effectiveness (B): Ability to create sketches that closely resemble the intent of the designer.
Efficiency (C): ratio of the number of promising concepts developed to the effort expended in the process.
D: Overall Satisfaction; E: Diversification of Concepts; F: Revisit and Recall; G: Idea Generation.
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A Novel Version Control Scheme for Supporting Interrupted Product Concept Sketching
B. Sankar
Dibakar Sen
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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