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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

A Passivhaus Case Study. Design, Execution, Performance, and Economic Considerations

Authors : Belén Zurro García, Sara González Moreno, Jaime Moyano Villameriel, José Manuel González Martín

Published in: Towards Low and Positive Energy Buildings

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The lurking climate-related challenges have fostered the adoption of measures to cut off energy consumption across the building sector, a main contributor to the overall greenhouse gas emissions. The Passivhaus (PH) standard has become a canonical benchmark across the EU for achieving the nearly-zero-energy building milestone. The foundation of the PH standard resides in achieving a heating demand below 15 kWh/m2·yr, by minimising heat losses, while preserving an elevated indoor air quality. In this research, the design and execution of a non-residential building, according to the PH standard, is presented. The site features a bioclimatic design, and the Passive House Planning Package tool is utilised during the design and execution phases to estimate the thermal transmittance of the building envelope, quantify thermal bridges, and calculate energy demands, all of which complied with the PH criteria. Blower door tests are performed post-execution, and the resulting air renovation rates are consistent with an airtight structure, according to the PH standard. Budgetary considerations are also presented. A comparison between the expected and final expenditure provides a useful guideline for attaining better cost-effectiveness in future PH projects.

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A Passivhaus Case Study. Design, Execution, Performance, and Economic Considerations
Belén Zurro García
Sara González Moreno
Jaime Moyano Villameriel
José Manuel González Martín
Copyright Year