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A performance evaluation of a novel field-effect device as an alternative to the field-effect diode

Authors: Vahid Khorsand, Reza Yousefi, Seyed Saleh Ghoreishi, Amard Afzalian

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 3/2023

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This paper introduces a novel device with the same \(I-V\) characteristics as a field-effect diode (FED). The electrical characteristics such as \(I_\textrm{ON}\), \(I_\textrm{OFF}\), \(I_\textrm{ON}/I_\textrm{OFF}\) ratio, intrinsic delay (\(\tau\)), energy-delay product (EDP), and subthreshold power dissipation (SPD) are simulated at various device lengths for the proposed device using the non-equilibrium Green’s function formalism. The simulation results are compared to those of our previous work, as it has been demonstrated that the electrical characteristics of the device are superior to other reported FED designs. Considerably reduced manufacturing complexity is one of the main benefits of the new device over the conventional FED. The simulation results reveal that for a channel length of 30 nm, the proposed device shows a \(63\%\) increase in \(I_\textrm{ON}\), a \(62\%\) reduction in the EDP, a \(46\%\) reduction in \(\tau\), a 1.5 order of magnitude reduction in \(I_\textrm{OFF}\), two orders of magnitude increase in \(I_\textrm{ON}/I_\textrm{OFF}\), and a 1.5 order of magnitude decrease in SPD compared to our previous work.

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A performance evaluation of a novel field-effect device as an alternative to the field-effect diode
Vahid Khorsand
Reza Yousefi
Seyed Saleh Ghoreishi
Amard Afzalian
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 3/2023
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137