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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

A Practitioner’s Guide to Local FRF Estimation

Authors : Keaton Coletti, Ryan Schultz, Steven Carter

Published in: Special Topics in Structural Dynamics & Experimental Techniques, Vol. 5

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Accurate measurement of frequency response functions is essential for system identification, model updating, and structural health monitoring. However, sensor noise and leakage cause variance and systematic errors in estimated FRFs. Low-noise sensors, windowing techniques, and intelligent experiment design can mitigate these effects but are often limited by practical considerations. This chapter is a guide to implementation of local modeling methods for FRF estimation, which have been extensively researched but are seldom used in practice. Theoretical background is presented, and a procedure for automatically selecting a parameterization and model order is proposed. Computational improvements are discussed that make local modeling feasible for systems with many input and output channels. The methods discussed herein are validated on a simulation example and two experimental examples: a multi-input, multi-output system with three inputs and 84 outputs and a nonlinear beam assembly. They are shown to significantly outperform the traditional H\({ }_1\) and H\({ }_{\text{SVD}}\) estimators.

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A Practitioner’s Guide to Local FRF Estimation
Keaton Coletti
Ryan Schultz
Steven Carter
Copyright Year