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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

40. A Preliminary Framework and Empirical Studies on Leveraging the Use of Persuasion in Product Design

Authors : Banani Das, Vishal Singh

Published in: Design in the Era of Industry 4.0, Volume 3

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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The paper proposes a novel framework for understanding and implementing persuasive design tools during the design process. The framework seeks to help designers use persuasion in designing products and services by incorporating persuasive tools and behavioral triggers. While there are multiple theoretical approaches, models, and tools for persuasion and related factors, there is inadequate methodological support to integrate persuasion models in the design process. In contrast, there are some analytically grounded models of persuasion in the information technology domain, which can potentially be leveraged in the design process. This paper reports the development of such a methodological framework, built on existing theoretical models of persuasion. An empirical study with twenty novice designers shows discernible changes in design outcomes following the explicit implementation of the framework. Findings show that the explicit use of persuasion tools tends to shift design concepts from stand-alone solutions to more systemic solutions. A constructive shift is observed in the brainstorming process, allowing novice designers to integrate critical insights from persuasive technology tools (Captology), persuasive social psychology, and behavior change theories in their designs.

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A Preliminary Framework and Empirical Studies on Leveraging the Use of Persuasion in Product Design
Banani Das
Vishal Singh
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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