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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

A Quasi-Coherent Description of the Category D -mod(GrGL(n))

Authors : Alexander Braverman, Michael Finkelberg

Published in: Representation Theory and Algebraic Geometry

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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In this case, the equivalence actually holds on the level of abelian categories, but the equivalence of Conjecture 3 only has a chance to hold on the derived level. Also in this case, there is no difference between QCoh and IndCoh.
Here \(\pi ^{-1}(\operatorname {\mathcal E})\) should be understood in dg-sense.
Here when we write Λ(W[d]) (for a vector space W and \(d\in \mathbb {Z}\)), we just mean the dg-algebra with trivial differential which is equal to the exterior algebra generated by elements of W which have homological degree − d, i.e., we are NOT using the “super-notation” here with respect to the homological degree. Same goes for the notation \({ \mathop {\operatorname {\mathrm {Sym}}}}(W[d])\).
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A Quasi-Coherent Description of the Category D -mod(GrGL(n))
Alexander Braverman
Michael Finkelberg
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