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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

4. A Return to Virtue: Embodiment, Chakras and Management Education

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This chapter explores the development of an innovative teaching method through integrating Eastern and Western philosophies that may create moral leaders. In a course, Self-Actualising Leadership, students are required to write two reflexive journals examining how their leadership is informed by virtues and are encouraged to examine this as an embodiment through the Eastern Vedic chakra system. The chapter describes the teaching innovation and the transformational learning that takes place, elucidated through student comments that are written in assignments. The chapter contributes to our understanding of transformation processes by demonstrating how virtues are stable and enduring through habitual practice; are multidimensional through integrating emotional, physical and spiritual perspectives; and may become the communal narrative for creating self-other awareness for a flourishing society.

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A Return to Virtue: Embodiment, Chakras and Management Education
Kathryn Pavlovich
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