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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

A Review of Consumer Understanding of Green Marketing and Deceptive Green Marketing

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Ecological sustainability has risen to the topmost of global political conversations in recent decades and is now identified as a crucial factor driving innovation. As a result, there is a rise in the number of companies working to develop green products, and more and more consumers are increasingly interested in these products (Dangelico and Vocalelli in Journal of Cleaner Production 165:1263–1279, 2017). Although the number of eco-sensitive consumers is increasing, the growth in green consumer numbers must be more substantial in the overall consumer segment. The primary reason could be the inability to differentiate between green and deceptive green marketing efforts. This chapter investigates the consumer acceptance and understanding of green marketing and the deceptive green marketing efforts of the organizations. Compared to the green attitude, the purchase rate of green products is comparatively lower (Dangelico and Vocalelli in Journal of Cleaner Production 165:1263–1279, 2017). A potential explanation for this scepticism amongst consumers to opt for green products may be their need for exposure to green marketing. This lack of understanding could also lead to consumers needing help to differentiate between green marketing and deceptive green marketing (i.e. greenwashing), resulting in a green attitude not being culminated in green purchase behaviour in the case of many consumers.
Further, literature has identified that, over time, consumers' understanding of greenwashing has increased. This understanding of the greenwashing practices of the brands among consumers could be a significant factor contributing to the lower rate of green product purchases (Jog and Singhal in Strategic Direction 35:4–7, 2019; Jog and Singhal in Greenwashing understanding among Indian consumers and its impact on their green consumption, 2020). Past empirical research in the area of green and deceptive green marketing has examined how consumer understanding impacts several antecedent and consequent variables (e.g., purchase of green or eco-friendly products, new green product development, and recycling programs). By analyzing the relevant literature surrounding consumer perspectives on green marketing and deceptive green marketing, this chapter will study the consumer understanding of green and deceptive green marketing. This is assessed by reviewing the existing literature based on the green marketing orientation theory proposed by Papadas et al. (2019). This theory attempts to classify firms' green marketing strategies at three levels—strategic, tactical, and internal. According to this theory, the green marketing efforts of organizations can be classified into three measured areas stated above. Further, drawing from the existing consumer-centric literature, this chapter attempts to understand how such efforts of organizations are perceived at a consumer level through the lens of green marketing theory. Managers, academics, and students can all benefit greatly from understanding the organization's orientations and tactics for overcoming obstacles.

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A Review of Consumer Understanding of Green Marketing and Deceptive Green Marketing
Deepti Jog
Vivek Pani
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