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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

18. A Review of Microscale and Mesoscale Simulation of Laser Powder Bed Fusion

Authors : Aditya Gopaluni, Heidi Piili, Ashish Ganvir, Antti Salminen

Published in: Advanced Computational Methods and Design for Greener Aviation

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Additive manufacturing (AM) is an advanced method of manufacturing complex parts layer by layer based on digital model. Pandemic showed that AM was the go-to technology for the production of emergency medical equipment. Recent growth in post-pandemic world around software of AM shows that AM can be a revolutionary change for several industries. Laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) is used to produce parts with high resolution and good part properties; it is one of most widely used AM technology for metal parts e.g., for aerospace industry. L-PBF is based on laser beam and material interaction where the powder material is melted and then solidifies. This occurs in a short time frame of the order of 0.02 s and makes the whole process challenging to be studied in real time. Studies have shown the development of numerical methods and the use of simulation software can help to understand the laser beam and material interaction. This is key in understanding the material behavior under melting and mechanical properties of the part produced by L-PBF because mechanical properties of part are directly linked with the solidification of the melted powder material. A detailed study of the laser beam and material interaction is needed on a microscale and mesoscale level as it provides a better understanding and helps in the development for the given material for the L-PBF process. The main conclusion from this review is the need to develop a methodology to use simulation at microscale and mesoscale level to understand the laser beam and material interaction and improve the efficiency of L-PBF process using the relationship between the raw material parameters, melt pool characteristics and part properties.

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A Review of Microscale and Mesoscale Simulation of Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Aditya Gopaluni
Heidi Piili
Ashish Ganvir
Antti Salminen
Copyright Year

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